Thread Number: 83145  /  Tag: Wringer Washers
Thor Wringer Washer!
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Post# 1074461   5/27/2020 at 02:33 (1,521 days old) by WaterWitch (Pomona, Calif.)        

waterwitch's profile picture
Hi everyone! I'm super excited, look what I picked up a few days ago! I honestly don't know much about this model. Does anyone have any information on it?


Post# 1074475 , Reply# 1   5/27/2020 at 05:09 (1,521 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

toploader55's profile picture
Congrats. I have never seen that type of Activation ever.

Very Cool. Look forward to a water test.

Post# 1074481 , Reply# 2   5/27/2020 at 06:35 (1,521 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

arbilab's profile picture

That's grandma's "Bang Washer".  So named by me (around 5yo) because when the wobbulation reverses the transmission goes BANG.  I haven't seen one of those since grandma retired it and got an Easy Spindrier.


Note the decorative touch of hands and fingers cast into the wobbulator. 

This machine most likely dates to near-post WW2 if not earlier.

Post# 1074482 , Reply# 3   5/27/2020 at 06:42 (1,521 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
A vintage take

ozzie908's profile picture
On those plastic wash plates in the modern twin tub !!

Amazing the technology around in the day.

Wobbulator is a wonderful term :)

Post# 1074487 , Reply# 4   5/27/2020 at 07:53 (1,521 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
What a treasure! Very interesting that it reverses!

Post# 1074488 , Reply# 5   5/27/2020 at 08:03 (1,521 days old) by agiflow3 ()        

A primitive Calypso.

Post# 1074571 , Reply# 6   5/27/2020 at 18:54 (1,521 days old) by Hippiedoll ( arizona )        

hippiedoll's profile picture
that is very cool!
I can't wait to see a video of this wringer wobbulator washing a load of clothes!

Are the lines around the tub water lines? Would the idea be to load clothes just to the point of them fitting under the wobbulator? There for the wobbulator squishing the clothes under the soapy water, pushing the soapy water through the fabric fibers, and cleaning the dirt/soil out of the clothes?

My mind is boggled!

Post# 1074575 , Reply# 7   5/27/2020 at 19:27 (1,521 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Wow cool that's a Thor "Gentle Hands" washer. Notice the embossing on the wash disc is woman's hands.

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Post# 1074594 , Reply# 8   5/27/2020 at 21:21 (1,521 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

That is the "nutation" that Bendix used in their last top loading model with the "Energy Disc." Then Philco used it in the top loaders they sold then WP purchased the patents for the Calypso. This used a universal joint to create this motion.

Post# 1074600 , Reply# 9   5/27/2020 at 21:39 (1,521 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
That's some forward thinking design and engineering for that time period. It looks like mechanism reverses about every 10 gyrations. I'm really curious about the inner workings of that gearbox and the components used to trigger the reversing stages.

Can't wait to see it in action with some clothing!

Post# 1074696 , Reply# 10   5/28/2020 at 11:45 (1,520 days old) by Keymatic (London / UK)        

keymatic's profile picture
That is such a kewl washing action !!

I first saw this machine and the “wobbler” washing action when I went to the Lee Maxwell museum in Denver around 2005 I was so intrigued by it, Lee put the machine on and it was fascinating. He said the demonstrators use to paint the finger nails with nail polish.

Lee also said to me the makers of the Calypso washer Whirlpool had been to see the museum and were very interested in the Thor and the washing action. I guess that’s what they modelled the Calypso wash action on.

Look forward to seeing it wash.
Keymatic (UK)

Post# 1074729 , Reply# 11   5/28/2020 at 15:37 (1,520 days old) by WaterWitch (Pomona, Calif.)        
Water level

waterwitch's profile picture
Yes, I have so many questions about this washer. I'm guessing for the best possible wash action the water would need to come up to just below the agitator tip? I haven't filled it with water yet, it's going to need a little going through first. The tub isn't tightly secured so that'll need to be addressed first before a water test. I'm so excited, I never thought I'd have a chance at getting one of these.

"Bang Washer" fits, I love the sound it makes between switching directions. When I first plugged it in, I was amazed how quiet it was, it's crazy. Its interesting how the agitation is engaged too, the wringer post has an outer sleeve and is toothed at the base, there is a fixed lever at the top of the post, and to start the agitation the lever is turned slightly.

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Post# 1074865 , Reply# 12   5/29/2020 at 12:57 (1,519 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

mickeyd's profile picture
What a treat to see such a futuristic agitator and agitation motion in so ancient a machine. A great find. Reminiscent of both the Philco and the Kelvinator, but mostly, as the posts all suggest, the Almighty Calypso.

Another Aworg first. How exciting.

Your experimentation with the water level will be fun and informative, but based on the standard water levels of most vintage wringers, best guess is that the viable level for a full load is above the Wobbulator.

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