Thread Number: 83216  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
POD 6-1 Westinghouse Laundromat
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Post# 1075225   6/1/2020 at 10:31 (1,516 days old) by Golittlesport (California)        

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First generation of the flat-front Laundromat and redesigned Spacemates. I think this was 1965. Westinghouse turned from a drop-down "weigh to save" door and scale on the washer to a side-opening door to match their dryer. That didn't last too long; they brought back the "weigh to save" door within a few years.

The top of the line Laundromat washer was pretty spiffy looking. My mom got a middle of the line Laundromat about this time.

Post# 1075241 , Reply# 1   6/1/2020 at 12:03 (1,516 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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First time I've noticed this--the stacked dryer opens right to left like the washer.  The others open left to right.  

Post# 1075242 , Reply# 2   6/1/2020 at 12:07 (1,516 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

We got a "flat-front" Westinghouse washer in 1964, though it could have been a '65 model. It was a more basic model of the washer in the rear console set in the ad. It wasn't that great of a machine, and was replaced by a Maytag in '73.

Post# 1075246 , Reply# 3   6/1/2020 at 12:34 (1,516 days old) by Golittlesport (California)        
good eye, Bob!

golittlesport's profile picture
I didn't notice the different dryer doors. The yellow stacked set of Space Mates, the dryer opens right to left; and the white set the dryer opens left to right. It doesn't look like the door is reversible. I wonder if you had to special order the door opening right to left?

Post# 1075247 , Reply# 4   6/1/2020 at 13:35 (1,516 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

We got the LTF590 in 1965.  It had a sort of beige and brown control panel with H/W, W/W, W/C & C/C; infinte water level & two cycles, Regular and Permanent Press. The timer dial had a clear skirt with a sort of tear drop where the pointer was and it advanced silently. It was one year newer than the machine in the home ec department in the high school which was an LTF600 and had no cold/cold setting.  The water level had no reset position so you could not change the water level to a higher setting after the fill stopped. The final rinse in the Regular cycle was labeled "Starch." It had a tub light.


The 1965 Westinghouse Aristocrat 30" (next to the TOL) range I have has the same beige finish around the controls

Post# 1075248 , Reply# 5   6/1/2020 at 13:47 (1,516 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

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The thing that struck me was the woman ironing with a purse on her arm!  LOL!  Perhaps she was taking a little demo at the Westinghouse dealer. 

Post# 1075318 , Reply# 6   6/1/2020 at 20:05 (1,516 days old) by revvinkevin (Tinseltown - Shakey Town - La-La Land)        

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Hey Rich,


John Lefever said these are 1964 and first year for a (Westinghouse) gas dryer.

(In lovely oxidized pink, of course.) 



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Post# 1075519 , Reply# 7   6/3/2020 at 10:04 (1,514 days old) by Golittlesport (California)        
pretty in pink

golittlesport's profile picture
Hey Kev. Thanks for the open door shots. It doesn't look like the dryer door can be reversed. So I guess it was 1964 Westinghouse brought forth the flat front Laundromat and also introduced their top load washer. Our family got ours in 65 and it sounds like the same model Tom's family had.

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