Thread Number: 8328
Classic 1960's Sears "Lady Kenmore" washer and dryer
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Post# 158259   10/1/2006 at 21:25 (6,580 days old) by launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Post# 158260 , Reply# 1   10/1/2006 at 21:35 (6,580 days old) by gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Looks like a '65 L.K. set.

Post# 158274 , Reply# 2   10/2/2006 at 00:10 (6,580 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        
Lady K Set

powerfin64's profile picture
that would be a great set to own!
I bet it has a roto swirl agitator in it.


Post# 158283 , Reply# 3   10/2/2006 at 00:47 (6,580 days old) by thirtyater ()        

Why are they always so far away???

Post# 158289 , Reply# 4   10/2/2006 at 02:14 (6,580 days old) by spinout (Phoenix)        

I have that same Dryer in white. It is the first fixed back model with the larger 5.9 cu. ft. drum. It is also has excellent dryness sensor range and is great at getting the dryness level right every time.

Post# 158355 , Reply# 5   10/2/2006 at 10:15 (6,579 days old) by peterh770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder... And I don't find this model look complimentary at all. Yuk!

It should have the gold 6 vane Roto-Flex spankalator agitator in it.

Post# 158365 , Reply# 6   10/2/2006 at 11:07 (6,579 days old) by dalangdon (Seattle, WA)        

What was the difference between "Kenmore" and "Lady Kenmore"? Did "Lady Kenmore" replace "Kenmore", and when was the "Lady" part abandoned?

Post# 158375 , Reply# 7   10/2/2006 at 11:30 (6,579 days old) by bajaespuma (Connecticut)        

bajaespuma's profile picture
Do washers and dryers last longer in California for the same reasons that automobiles do?

Post# 158385 , Reply# 8   10/2/2006 at 11:48 (6,579 days old) by rickr (.)        

rickr's profile picture
I have the next model down from these, the Kenmore 800's. The model year is 1965 btw. Looks like the ebay set spent many a year in a smokers home by the looks of the yellowed light lenses. Don't think that will clean off either. "Tarred" over for too long.

Post# 158408 , Reply# 9   10/2/2006 at 15:50 (6,579 days old) by toggleswitch (New York City, NY)        
Please pass the Grey Poupon.....

toggleswitch's profile picture
I believe "LADY KENMORE" was reserved for the TOL models ONLY.

Perhaps "LADY" was dropped when the powers that be (by the early seventies, IIRC) realized that traditional gender roles were changing. Real men DO know where the appliances are and how to work them!

Post# 158415 , Reply# 10   10/2/2006 at 16:13 (6,579 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
"Lady" Kenmore lasted into the later 80's or early 90's.

Post# 158423 , Reply# 11   10/2/2006 at 17:21 (6,579 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
Yes Greg,

I have a matched *Lady Kenmore* Ultra fabric care set I purchased in 1989. I had just purchased my home. I had no furniture....BUT a washer and dryer were at the top of the list. After college and some graduate school, I was ready to QUIT lugging laundry off to the laundry facilities on campus. Who cares if they don't have a place to sit....

And that is all I have to say about that. :) Tom

Post# 158449 , Reply# 12   10/2/2006 at 20:14 (6,579 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
LOL, Tom!

I did almost the same thing. When I bought my first place I had a washer and dryer ready to move - in addition to the set that came with the townhouse - a couple of months before I was even scheduled to move in! No couch, no table & chairs, no bed...but I had two washers and dryers ;-)

Post# 158458 , Reply# 13   10/2/2006 at 21:35 (6,579 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
LOL, Tom I was almost the same. My first apt. I ended up buying a used LK portable set. Used them and when I had to move across town, I got an apt. with connections and immediately bought the GE set to be delivered the day I mosed in. The only other thing I bought for that first apt. was a neww bed. Everything else were hand-me-downs.

Post# 158461 , Reply# 14   10/2/2006 at 21:59 (6,579 days old) by dadoes (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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My apartment had no provision for laundry equipment, so I used granny's (Design 2000 at that time). However, when I bought my first house, I had the KA 760 pair and a Kenmore refrigerator stored in my parents garage for a couple months before I moved.

Post# 159285 , Reply# 15   10/7/2006 at 13:44 (6,574 days old) by varicyclevoice (Davenport, Iowa)        
Since we're sharing stories...

varicyclevoice's profile picture
I remember when I moved into my first apartment with a friend of mine in college. It was the start of our Junior year. I was hell-bent during that summer of 1990 to find a portable KitchenAid dishwasher. I was successful. It was an avocado green KDI-57a model. We used it for 3 years before moving to an apartment with a built-in. I didn't care about a couch or coffee tables, but had to have a KitchenAid, oh and my Amana Touchmatic II Radarange microwave oven which sat on top of the butcher block top on the dishwasher. (We didn't have much counter space.)

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