Thread Number: 83290  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
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Post# 1076079   6/6/2020 at 17:34 (1,511 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

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I found this poor waif on the side of the road, next to a dumpster. Just couldn't leave it there destined for an uncertain future. Looks to be a mid 70's Hotpoint, in Almond.

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Post# 1076080 , Reply# 1   6/6/2020 at 17:36 (1,511 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        
under the hood

goatfarmer's profile picture

It is equipped with the dual agitator. The top agitator is cracked at the bottom, might be a chore to find one. Some lime buildup, not bad.

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Post# 1076081 , Reply# 2   6/6/2020 at 17:39 (1,511 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Clean as a new one. Wonder why someone abandoned it. Probably taken in by the shiny chrome and glitter of a new LG, or Samsung, when this is 10 times the washer! Oh well, their loss!

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Post# 1076093 , Reply# 3   6/6/2020 at 20:07 (1,511 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

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Congrats on saving another wayward machine from the crusher!

Post# 1076100 , Reply# 4   6/6/2020 at 21:08 (1,511 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

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It doesn't look like it's in bad shape for being 40+ y.o.  Doesn't appear there's oil leak but maybe a slight pump leak at some point.  It still has the back.

But how in the world .......agitator cracked?  Wonder if someone put something they shouldn't have in there.   Or kids standing in it.

I've never seen that kind of damage before.

Post# 1076101 , Reply# 5   6/6/2020 at 21:09 (1,511 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

pulltostart's profile picture

Nice washer.  Should handle almost all laundry needs of the average family.  Good save!



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