Thread Number: 83298  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
1967 dishwasher
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Post# 1076171   6/7/2020 at 09:18 (1,510 days old) by 63kenmore (Burlington, North Carolina)        

I have a set of pastel yellow appliances that we are preparing to install in our new/old 1960 house that we are building. We had the refrigerator painted when we bought it and the oven and stove top look like new, and even the the dishwasher looks fairly good including the paint. But since this will be a brand new house we want the dishwasher to look like new also. The racks are pristine, but the outside part that installs under the cabinet has surface rust and some of the plastic parts need to be taken apart and cleaned, not to mention the wiring looks like it should be re-done. We live in Idaho now and are hoping there is someone within 500 miles that could restore our little GE machine. Anyone know who restores dishwashers around here?

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