Thread Number: 83392  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
POD 6-15-2020 Kelvinator AW-2 for 1955
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Post# 1077172   6/15/2020 at 07:20 (1,502 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

These were the cycles and lights I mentioned when we were discussing the cycles on the timer dial of the Hotpoint LW8  a week or so ago. The small load/Delicate cycle automatically provides the lower water level.

Post# 1077175 , Reply# 1   6/15/2020 at 07:32 (1,502 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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Saw one of these in real life when I was a tyke. Had a dreamlike memory of peering in the window at the splashtastic show. In fact, prior to seeing video here at AW I thought my imagination may have conjured up the concentric agitation.

Another totally unique wash action scrapped by WCI's scorched earth policy.

Post# 1077189 , Reply# 2   6/15/2020 at 08:33 (1,502 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Yes, in the early days of inventing new appliances, with many small manufacturers approaching design  ideas from many different angles, you got many different and interesting approaches which is what makes vintage appliances so interesting.


It's funny how hard the industry fought the tumble-action washer  design until economy and the fascination with all things European brought them to the forefront of the industry.


Even in today's world, the old Hamilton dryers dry a load faster with less electricity than my modern electric dryers due to their design and the particular air flow patterns in their dryers.


Dishwashers were another place where many different designs were presented, tried and either adopted or laid aside as designs were standardized.

Post# 1077198 , Reply# 3   6/15/2020 at 08:52 (1,502 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Tom, this is the washer I was thinking of too in the context of the Hotpoint washer discussion too.  I used this Kelvinator washer at the 2005 wash-in in Omaha.  I was clueless as I didn't realize delicate also shortened fill period.  That was a big surprise.  I had to restart the cycle so the fill would complete to the top.  Up to that time, the only timed fill washer I'd experienced my life (that I consciously remembered) was Frigidaires.  I don't think I'd paid much attention to other washers similar features even at the 2001 and 2002 wash-ins.  Not even the TimeLine.  

Post# 1077206 , Reply# 4   6/15/2020 at 09:51 (1,502 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

While not a separate cycle, if you set an older Frigidaire washer for a small load, it shortened the cycle as could be easily seen on the inner ring  of marking of the timer in the WI57 and the WCI58.

Post# 1077211 , Reply# 5   6/15/2020 at 10:21 (1,502 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Tom, this is true.  Frigidaire was in a class by itself.  

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