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POD 6-16-2020 WP Line Up
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Post# 1077339   6/16/2020 at 08:57 (1,501 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

I guess "Fawn" was WP's name for the Kenmore color "Doeskin." I notice that all the way down the line the Suds Miser system is available. That's nice.  Did any of these washers or any WP washers have a drain/save switch like Maytag and some other brands?

Post# 1077342 , Reply# 1   6/16/2020 at 09:35 (1,501 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

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That's really interesting. High-end Kenmores offered the option, but I just realized that I haven't seen or read about it on a Whirlpool. The Mark XII's sported a SUDS button as a cycle option to return the suds, but not to save. Another grand Award query afoot.

For people unfamiliar, the drain/save function allows you to have all discharged water to come out of the regular or rinse hose, and nothing out of the suds hose.

It seems weird though that Whirlpool would not include the design in one of their own, so I'm probably mistaken about its availability.

Post# 1077352 , Reply# 2   6/16/2020 at 11:07 (1,501 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Wash water automatically / always drained out the suds hose into the storage tub.

Unstopper the storage tub to not save it.

W-n-W / Perm Press didn't save the wash water due to it being tempered and diluted by the cool down.  (And presumably Knits if Suds Saver was available on models with that cycle.)

Post# 1077407 , Reply# 3   6/16/2020 at 19:07 (1,501 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

Some features were exclusive to Kenmore for a definite period of time, as Sears was the one who was footing the bill for research and development. This was the case for the Dual-Action agitator. At that time, well over half of Whirlpool's laundry equipment production was Kenmore brand.

Post# 1077458 , Reply# 4   6/16/2020 at 21:18 (1,501 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

I'm thinking of a situation where you don't have plumbed in set tubs. When we moved from Illinois to Georgia, we no longer had set tubs so Daddy bought a single portable tub that had a drain at the bottom. On the last load, one of us had to put the gray suds hose in the standpipe to get rid of the wash water. Sometimes the drain hose for the rinse water which was placed in the suds tub during this time caused an overflow if the hoses were not switched back in time. But anyway, it would have been helpful if the machine had allowed a selection to be made to save or drain suds. If we had not stopped by Sears and bought the 58 LK and continued on to the Maytag dealer, we might have been able to have another suds saver with the selector switch although the urgent need for one back in Illinois when our house originally had an electric water heater had passed. After we moved to Georgia, I don't believe I ever saw another suds saver washer because few people had basements and most washers were in kitchens. Of course, if we had bought a Maytag, we would not have had the 8 different washers we had from that time on which was great for me.

Post# 1077471 , Reply# 5   6/16/2020 at 22:56 (1,501 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
WP-KM Suds-Saver Washers

combo52's profile picture

Whirlpool never bothered putting an extra switch on their SS washers to turn off the two-way valve to allow the wash water to just go down the drain via the rinse water drain hose and neither did Sears Kenmore except for about 5 or 6 belt drive models out of several hundred WP built Kenmore's built from 1947-1986.


It simply was not necessary for 99% of users, you simply did not plug the save tub if you did not want to save the wash water. It would have be super simple to add a switch for the suds-valve by the owner to turn off the TWV if it was necessary for situations like Toms family had.


Only the 1957, 58, 59 and 60 LKM models had this additional switch AND the 1986 Kenmore Limited edition washer.


When WP started building washers with built-in SSers again in the early 90s WP models still did not have a switch to turn off the two-way valve, the Sears KM model did and they allowed for the first time ever for any SS washer to allow you to save the rinse water to be used for the next wash.


Did anyone notice that this brochure for WP washers only featured gas dryers ? It must have been prepared for distribution by gas companies.


John L.

Post# 1077473 , Reply# 6   6/16/2020 at 23:11 (1,501 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

daveamkrayoguy's profile picture
Another favorite POD of mine, and have been saving them lately on my phone...

— Dave

Post# 1077502 , Reply# 7   6/17/2020 at 09:32 (1,500 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

John, I remember the switch from sort of an insert page with the owner's manual for the 58 LK. There must have been some sort of dispute with Whirlpool because the page showed the control panel with the word Suds Miser above the switch with the word Miser blacked out, but I don't remember if the words on the chrome part where the printing surrounded the little gold dials said "ON" & "OFF" or  "SAVE" & "DRAIN"


I noticed the gas dryers. I think I remember that you said that WP gas dryers did not get the modulating burner.  I wonder if the gas 29" Ultimatic models had it since it looked like that TOL machine shared the same timer with the Kenmore combos and would likely share the same auto dry system.  Did the original gas combos have the modulating burner?

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