Thread Number: 83439  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Questions regarding my new-to-me HA207 MT...
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Post# 1077611   6/17/2020 at 20:26 (1,500 days old) by ps91Rick (Lancaster, Ca )        

Hi all.

I started this thread because I've got a few questions regarding a new-to-me HA207 that I mentioned in my other thread on my '87 LA712 that is currently in lots of pieces.. -- LOTS!

So, when I got this, for free, the prior owner said it belonged to his parents and hadn't been used in a while and then when he tried to use it, the temp selector was a bit wonky and the water level was dead. I've replaced the water sensor switch with a NOS that I found on eBay for $35 and that works great now.

However, on my first run that water temp switch was initially working just fine but after a little bit of playing with the machine it got stuck on cold water only -- no warm, no hot. I tried hot-wiring the switch wires to force hot to verify that the solenoid for the hot was OK.. I believe that it is. I managed to get the switch to work in the hot setting and will leave it there until I can figure out what the solution is.

This machine also has no agitator set screw like the 80's+ have -- I think this is one that I've got to hoist it off or something. The inner tub is immaculate but I'm fairly certain the outer tub is full of mineral buildup as some of that was breaking off when I put some strong vinegar in the tub to sit.. I'd like to remove the agitator and see how things look down there but only if its not a major job as this is now my primary machine and is working great.

Anyway, back to the temp select switch. From what I gather, this model's switch is the 3 button version -- hot, warm, cold -- part number 2-3167. In doing a search on eBay I see people selling the replacement part for that which is 2-5261 (or 205261) -- unfortunately that one is a 4 button model. IF I buy one of these newer ones will it work with the existing wiring and fit in the existing panel cut-out? Just curious.. Thanks!

Post# 1077661 , Reply# 1   6/18/2020 at 07:29 (1,499 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Congratulations On Your NEW HA207

combo52's profile picture

Hi Rick, have you tried taking the temp out of the washer and spraying silicone lubricant into it etc, often you can get these to work again, if you can't replace it with the correct three button switch, they are around.


The agitator [ should ] just lift off but is stuck because it probably has not been removed in about 40 years.


Unless you want a BIG project just leave it in place if it does not come out easily, the mineral build-up etc will either get better or worse depending how you use the washer, but it will not affect the washers performance.




John L.

Post# 1077869 , Reply# 2   6/19/2020 at 15:09 (1,498 days old) by ps91Rick (Lancaster, Ca )        

Hi John.. No.. I’ve not tried fooling with the switch.. I’ll see about getting some of that spray — is silicone lube the only suggested lube to use?

Also — my NOS load-size switch is misbehaving. When I press one button the one that was depressed before never completely pops out and it’s like its half selected. Maybe just from sitting around unused for years. Any thoughts on making it behave like it ought to?? I’ve not had the head apart to see the mechanics of that switch misbehaving since I put it in several days ago. Maybe its something easy.. I dont know..

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