Thread Number: 83465  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
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Post# 1077863   6/19/2020 at 13:31 (1,498 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

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The final evolution of the GeneralMotors washing machine. A giant pulsator, a giant tub, a circle jet filling system that is the stuff of dreams, kick-up spins, genuine ultra-low and ultra high water levels, decadent spray rinses, with another shorter one after the rinse--Frigidaire never gave up on extravagant rinsing even without the overflow option.

Have always wanted one of these. And still do! I would also cerainly not kick to the curb the two speed tricked-out Agitub either. Mahhhdddooonnne ! What a lovely life the washer hobby provides.

Post# 1077950 , Reply# 1   6/20/2020 at 09:59 (1,497 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Happy Saturday Warshday. Folks!

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I called for the Poppy one from Missouri Kenny posted in Shoppers, and got a quick reply: "Sorry, sir, I can't ship."
And today I see that it has been sold. I hope one of us got it. Wouldn't that be sweet; it looks like a very well-kept machine.

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