Thread Number: 83488  /  Tag: Twin-Tub Washers
Green Easy
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Post# 1078084   6/21/2020 at 02:21 (1,496 days old) by WaterWitch (Pomona, Calif.)        

waterwitch's profile picture
Hello all! I just picked this up a couple of days ago. I couldn't resist, I'm a sucker for GREEN! Does anybody have any information on this model (2DS)? I saw an ad for one that looks nearly identical printed in 1932 but the agitator in the ad was the triple cone type. I have a wringer that has the same legs, and design at the rim of the tub, but that too has the triple cone type agitator. This one has a spiral agitator. 🤔 Also, I know this is a long shot, but is there anyone that has a handle they could sell? The one that engages the spin function is broken.

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Post# 1078124 , Reply# 1   6/21/2020 at 10:58 (1,496 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

mickeyd's profile picture
Have seen pix of your model in very bad shape; in fact, yours is the best looking one I've seen. A while back Greg M of Worcester MA had a mint model, very rich, green but with brass accents, that was so good-looking it resembled architecture. Regret that I have no references for parts for those early machines.

Post# 1078154 , Reply# 2   6/21/2020 at 18:13 (1,496 days old) by WaterWitch (Pomona, Calif.)        

waterwitch's profile picture
Yes, I saw that post! That was such a beautiful machine he had! I wonder what the first model to introduce the "spiral" agitator for Easy was?

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Post# 1078230 , Reply# 3   6/22/2020 at 11:02 (1,495 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

mickeyd's profile picture
Very fetching photo, and a cool, interesting version of the infamous Spirilator.

Some day we'll get all our Easy ducks lined up in a row and pin down the dates. Guessing that the plunger bells ceased in the 30's;
all 40's machines I 've seen had Spiralators or Straight 3-vanes.

Before he moved to wherever, he was selling the machine for a few hundred, and I regret not buying it.

Years earlier, I saw it in person in his basement when I visited to buy the Aqua Lady Kenmore, and it looked to have been never used.

It must be alive and well somewhere over the rainbow ;'D

Post# 1078274 , Reply# 4   6/22/2020 at 18:36 (1,495 days old) by WaterWitch (Pomona, Calif.)        
Spirilator Agitator

waterwitch's profile picture
An interesting design variation on this one is that this agitator is a slip on, all Spirilators I've seen were secured with a screw in cap, a necessity being that this design would push itself up and off the shaft on the backstroke. To get past this, there is a type of reservoir that fills up with water to prevent this! COOL HUH? 😁

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Post# 1078354 , Reply# 5   6/23/2020 at 09:49 (1,494 days old) by Golittlesport (California)        

golittlesport's profile picture
How do you find all these conventional washing machine treasures in So Cal?! And in such great condition? Beautiful machine! Congrats!
My grandmother had a green enamel Easy like that but the spiralator was a bit different as I clearly remember there being some sort of screw on agitator cap. Not the big chrome clamshell cap you find on most Easys, but smaller bolt like cap. Your machine is the closest I've ever seen to hers.
I recall some old ads for Easy spindriers touting the fact you could choose a machine with spiralator action OR the three bell vacuum action. Must have been as they transitioned from vacuum to agitator action.

Post# 1078357 , Reply# 6   6/23/2020 at 10:04 (1,494 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
How COOL and wow, indeed ~

mickeyd's profile picture
Cool as fudge!

I love it. What an awesome feat of engineering. Move over, Maytag one-piece, LOL. Thank you, Anthony.

How fascinating, Rich, that they did not go right to the Spiralator cold turkey; they gave you the option for a while. Amazing!

Can you approximate the date when this was afoot.

Post# 1078400 , Reply# 7   6/23/2020 at 16:54 (1,494 days old) by Golittlesport (California)        
Easy Peasy

golittlesport's profile picture
Hi Mickey. This 1932 Easy washer ad for sale on Ebay mentions in the smaller text at the bottom you can get the machine with either agitator or vacuum wash action. And it will not crack buttons!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Golittlesport's LINK on eBay

Post# 1078455 , Reply# 8   6/24/2020 at 01:58 (1,493 days old) by WaterWitch (Pomona, Calif.)        

waterwitch's profile picture
Oh wow, I never noticed the ad mentioning the option for an agitator version instead of the triple cone version! I have an Easy wringer that looks almost identical to this spin drier version. I wonder if it dates to 1932 also?

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Post# 1078479 , Reply# 9   6/24/2020 at 09:21 (1,493 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
"Easy does it !"

mickeyd's profile picture
Holy Crap, Rich, you can get a free home demonstration and it comes in gas, too!
What a wonderful morning read, tremendous--Thank You--: all those images and a surprising discussion about baby's skin and sunlight disinfectant. Gosh, those were the great halcyon days of advertising.

So Anthony, you actually own a triple-cone plunger. How wonderful. Would love to know your thoughts on its operation, and maybe someday even a vid. It would be just nuts to experiment with water levels and load sizes.

Post# 1078490 , Reply# 10   6/24/2020 at 11:43 (1,493 days old) by WaterWitch (Pomona, Calif.)        

waterwitch's profile picture
Yes, the green Easy wringer above is mine, I also have an earlier copper tubbed one as well. The triple cone agitation seems to work ok in my opinion. There are about 4 holes on the shaft that will allow you to adjust the cones according to different load sizes. The only draw back I would say the triple cones have is that there is no roll over. I haven't used them in a while, I will need to upload a video and we can all have a better look at the agitation.

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Post# 1078573 , Reply# 11   6/24/2020 at 23:36 (1,493 days old) by launderall (Minneapolis, MN Orig home to Listerine & pop up Toastmaster)        
3 cup clockwork movement rollover action

launderall's profile picture
I own two operational Easy copper tub machines,and use mine for blankets, very gentle water action, with out the rubbing and tangling of a back and forth agitation. Use the nickel plated interior vs less expensive tin lined, worn almost to the copper.

Agree there is not a traditional true rollover, however this three cup vacuum principle agitation system is achieved not only with the up and down plunge, but the cups moves clockwise around the tub with each plunge about a half inch against the laundry load, insure no fabric is left without a water vacuum.

Be safe & stay clean

Post# 1078609 , Reply# 12   6/25/2020 at 09:36 (1,492 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
So interesting

mickeyd's profile picture
Kind of mimicking the up and down of arms and hands in washing by hand. Have always found this plunger agitator fascinating, and have mused often about the idea of it being the genesis for Frigidaire's legendary pulsator. I have no doubt that seasoned, experienced washer hounds like us would have successful outcomes. Rollover is not the only way to go. Witness the early small tub Norge that could only slosh the load back and forth yet cleaned marvelously.

You are lucky men, and I envy you; maybe one day I could travel to see them, or find one of my own.

Thank you Gary and Anthony, for the fetching pic, and the new info that the plunger is adjustable. Amazing.

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