Thread Number: 83680  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
1960 Frigidaire washer WD-60
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Post# 1080260   7/7/2020 at 22:50 (1,479 days old) by Losangeles (Muscle Shoals, AL 35661)        

losangeles's profile picture
Hello everyone,

I posted a thread (#83537) a couple weeks ago. Although there has been over 200 views I still have not gotten a response. I have tried to upload pics to this forum but seem unable to get my camera to cooperate. I can upload pics to an e-mail address but not on AW. I am down to the wire here. It was suggested that I try to retro fit the parts with hardware store washers. I am not that mechanically inclined so trying to picture in my head how this might work is way above my pay grade. If anyone out there in the AW has any ideas, please send me an e-mail or message thru the message center.. If nothing happens in a couple weeks this washer is destined for the crusher. Thank you

Post# 1080264 , Reply# 1   7/8/2020 at 00:53 (1,479 days old) by Taurn67 ()        
hi there

would be more than happy to post the photos for you if you want, just send to my email address.

Post# 1080294 , Reply# 2   7/8/2020 at 08:10 (1,479 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Tommy, I suspect these are the pictures you are trying to upload (I've highlighted the parts in question).

It honestly could be a case of folks seeing the post but not having parts on hand. Hopefully you're able to find the originals or make something work.


  Photos...       <              >      Photo 1 of 3         View Full Size
Post# 1080370 , Reply# 3   7/8/2020 at 18:50 (1,479 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Shame they can't be made out of rubber or Budd would make 'em for you.

Post# 1080404 , Reply# 4   7/9/2020 at 07:58 (1,478 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

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Tommy had sent me these pictures so I'll post them here for him.

  Photos...       <              >      Photo 1 of 3         View Full Size
Post# 1080429 , Reply# 5   7/9/2020 at 13:49 (1,478 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Thank you Robert!!!

Post# 1080448 , Reply# 6   7/9/2020 at 18:53 (1,478 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

I went and checked . At one time I had three of those machines. For all I know the one you got may have been one of the three. I have a console but all the parts were harvested from it. I didn't take it apart, so somebody got to it before I got it. It is possible I may have some of those parts, but, everything is boxed up and it will take some time to dig through it. I will be in touch this weekend.

Post# 1080579 , Reply# 7   7/11/2020 at 06:39 (1,476 days old) by Losangeles (Muscle Shoals, AL 35661)        
1960 Frigidaire washer model WD-60

losangeles's profile picture
Thank you Ben and Robert for getting those pictures posted. The tech drawing Ben (Swestoyz) posted is exactly the parts I need.

Gyrofoam: I got the washer from gsohoover in NC about 2 years ago. I appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks! I look forward to hearing from you. Tommy

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