Thread Number: 83699  /  Tag: Twin-Tub Washers
Wanting to attach a spin dryer to a pump
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Post# 1080584   7/11/2020 at 07:03 (1,476 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        

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Hey guys, I currently have a vintage Siemens spin dryer but I’m getting sick and tired of moving buckets around that are full of water, is there a possibility that I could put a small pump off of a washing machine to drain the water as it spun out of the laundry? I do know that spin dryers with built-in pumps exist but it would be about $600+ to get one from the UK via eBay (Picture is of eBay listing of how much it would cost

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Post# 1080669 , Reply# 1   7/11/2020 at 18:21 (1,476 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

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Don't think you're missing much luv.

Chucking out pan or bucket of water is a bit of work, but not much really IMHO. Suppose if one were doing several loads in succession it would be a bit of bother, but nothing that can't be endured I shouldn't wonder.

Problem with a pump is you don't know if it will be able to handle what could be great amounts of water gushing out at once. Washing machines of course will slow down spinning to prevent choking pump, you'd probably have to rig up something that allowed pump to continue even while machine isn't spinning (assuming you stopped things to let water in sump get clear).

Gravity drain shines in that respect in that there isn't a pump to worry about, so water drains fast as opening will allow. One rarely sees drain pumps on industrial or commercial washers (though many can be ordered with), for that reason. Valve opens, and machine dumps water.

My Hoover twin tub spin drier has a pump and one has to watch things for froth or water build up. It doesn't like it...

Post# 1080714 , Reply# 2   7/12/2020 at 03:09 (1,475 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
Ah ok

adam-aussie-vac's profile picture
Thank you so much for your advice Laundress

Post# 1080795 , Reply# 3   7/12/2020 at 18:46 (1,475 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

You could always put a submersible pump in the bucket that catches the water and let it pump it up to the sink or drain. One summer when we were having a terrible drought and heat wave, I put such a pump in a plastic trash can and ran a hose out through a dryer vent to keep some plants alive with rinse water that would otherwise have gone down the drain. The float switch took care of turning it on and off and the 30 gallon trash receptacle took care of the rush of rinse water. It was just another one of my maniacal projects that involved playing with water.

Post# 1080804 , Reply# 4   7/12/2020 at 19:20 (1,475 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Did huge load of bed linen yesterday by hand

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Don't ask....

Ten sheets spun two or three at a time in spin dryer after coming out of tubs.

Keep a large bucket near, it's basically same one use to carry wet laundry from tubs to spin dryer. After one or to loads dump water from pan into bucket. When going back to tubs empty bucket, fetch more laundry, and repeat.....

Yes, suppose it tis a bit of work, but had wanted to take easy way out would have spent several hours doing the lot in either Miele or AEG automatic washers. That or gone to local laundromat and bunged the lot into 50lb washer.

My take on things if one is already going down that rabbit hole, a bit more drama isn't going to make difference.

Post# 1080832 , Reply# 5   7/13/2020 at 03:42 (1,474 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        
Okay, I can deal with the buckets

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Just as long as there are somewhat large capacity, there is one thing that I possibly could find a little bit more of an issue though, is that my Siemens spin dryer Doesn’t have any sort of safety lid, Plus the paint is peeling off from the top, I’ll probably try and take it to an auto mechanics place to try and get it repainted as the paint is coming off into the laundry

Post# 1080833 , Reply# 6   7/13/2020 at 04:43 (1,474 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Old Laundry Trick

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Get a bit of clean cloth and after pushing down load in spin dryer fit it around top of load. Then close lid and start spin dryer. The cloth serves two purposes; it will keep items from being rubbed against inside of lid, and prevent small items from going over top of tub.

In your situation will also keep any bits of whatever from getting on your wash. When spinning is done carefully fold cloth inwards to keep any bits from falling out onto wash.

Post# 1080838 , Reply# 7   7/13/2020 at 06:05 (1,474 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

What's the drum diameter? I have several safety covers here, maybe one can fit.

Post# 1080839 , Reply# 8   7/13/2020 at 06:06 (1,474 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

Silly question: do you have a floor drain somewhat near the spin dryer?

Post# 1080840 , Reply# 9   7/13/2020 at 07:00 (1,474 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        

adam-aussie-vac's profile picture
I currently do have a spin mat That fits my spin dryer but thank you for the advice

Post# 1080842 , Reply# 10   7/13/2020 at 07:08 (1,474 days old) by Adam-aussie-vac (Canberra ACT)        

adam-aussie-vac's profile picture
The spin dryer is located in the laundry but ironically it does not have a floor drain there which is something that baffles me, the drum diameter is 24.5 cm, I took some pictures to show that the spin dryer does not have a lid That protects use are from the spinning drum but it does have a footpedal for a brake To bring the drum to a stop after the power is switched off to the spin dryer, in the second image it shows where the rust and peeling paint is, This is my Siemens spin dryer, Possibly pre-World War II Germany not sure

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Post# 1080844 , Reply# 11   7/13/2020 at 07:33 (1,474 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Spin drier

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Due to its age I would think a good sanding and a coat of appliance paint would help stop the rust and flaking of enamel.

I have a number of spin dryers most have mechanical pumps one has an electric pump that runs as soon as you plug it in its great for rinsing as you can have it running into the sink. the others with mechanical pumps you have to be careful not to overwhelm it as it won't get up to speed to pump the water out also have a gravity drain which is in need of a bowl under the spout like yours. I would imagine that yours maybe from the 40's early 50's as no need for a safety lid if you were dim enough to put your arm in then that's your

Looking at your machine I think the best thing is either carry on as you are or get an old bowl and fix an electric pump to the underside so the spinner can evacuate at full tilt and the pump will catch up when its ready.


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