Thread Number: 837
Whrirlpoolkenmore spray fill?
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Post# 51723   12/24/2004 at 17:36 (7,154 days old) by compwhiz ()        

What was so famous about that?

Post# 51727 , Reply# 1   12/24/2004 at 18:37 (7,154 days old) by westytoploader ()        

See for yourself.

Before Kenmore/Whirlpool switched to the BORING "cascade" in their DD models, this is what they had, right to their introduction. The spray fill looks boring in pictures, but it is really quite interesting to watch. It's also an illusion: it appears that the water is dripping in, yet my '82 Kenmore fills FAST? Anyone agree?


Post# 51761 , Reply# 2   12/25/2004 at 10:15 (7,153 days old) by agiflow ()        

I remember the standard capacity machines filling quick with this type of spray,but the super capacity machine....oy.

Post# 51776 , Reply# 3   12/25/2004 at 15:03 (7,153 days old) by westytoploader ()        

That's exactly it...LOL.

My machine is a "70", which makes it a standard capacity. It was confirmed when the gold Super Roto-Swirl agitator (from a standard-capacity machine; in the machine now) fit perfectly.

I'd still like to have a large capacity Whirlpool!


Post# 51796 , Reply# 4   12/26/2004 at 07:26 (7,152 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
spray fill

I agree, it sprays in fast, but very dependent on water pressure. The hosue I live in now has the best water pressure of any place I've ever lived. We can run the dw and washer simultaneously, flush toilets, run faucets, and have people showering in BOTH bathrooms all at the same time, and the people showering will barely notice. Just little "blips" in the stream, and none of those "temp changes" most people experience. The fill BLASTS into my '78 LK, especially on warm. Of course it's large capacity, but I still think it fills in about 3 minutes

Post# 51820 , Reply# 5   12/26/2004 at 14:27 (7,152 days old) by compwhiz ()        

I want a video of it filling to see what it looks like. anyone have one?

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