Thread Number: 83813  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
Looking for Colston 101, 303, or 505 dishwasher
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Post# 1081714   7/20/2020 at 10:36 (1,467 days old) by geebo (US)        

I am looking for a Colston dishwasher - models 101, 303 or 505. Please let me know if you either have one in your possession or can direct me to someone who has one of these vintage dishwashers. I can be reached by phone or text at 203-895-0606 or by e-mail at I am looking to locate a vintage dishwasher as soon as possible. Thanks you !


Post# 1081725 , Reply# 1   7/20/2020 at 12:27 (1,467 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield, East Midlands, UK)        
Colston Dishwahser

vacbear58's profile picture

As far as I am aware these machines were never marketed in the US so you are faced with considerable transport costs from UK or possibly Europe or Australia. They are also small capacity machines and the design has limitations in washing pans, casseroles or the like. Might I ask why you are so keen on one of these machines?

If you like the idea of this style of operation I believe the Frigidaire Spin Tube models are similar although larger capacity


Post# 1081740 , Reply# 2   7/20/2020 at 14:46 (1,467 days old) by geebo (US)        

The first issue is to confirm their dates of manufacture by Colston company. Hoping to find someone with knowledge of their dates of manufacture and sale, anywhere in the world, with the ability to support the dates, e.g. a bill of sale that can be substantiated, product manual with year of manual publication or copyright, etc. I may or may not need to purchase one.


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