Thread Number: 83925  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
POTD Caloric Company
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Post# 1082797   7/28/2020 at 10:25 (1,547 days old) by Launderall (Minneapolis, MN Orig home to Listerine & pop up Toastmaster)        

launderall's profile picture
Smart styled Maytag looking cabinet with name badge location similar to Maytag AMP c. 1949. was this appliance made in the Beam factory, Caloric name added, like whirlpool/Kenmore? Anyone ever used or seen one?

Post# 1082803 , Reply# 1   7/28/2020 at 12:08 (1,546 days old) by mrsalvo (New Braunfels Texas)        

Gary, I was wondering the same thing. Thought maybe Caloric was built by Norge, but it does look like it could be a Maytag. Don't really know anything about this brand.


Post# 1082809 , Reply# 2   7/28/2020 at 14:15 (1,546 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
I'm pretty sure this would be another Beam style machine, like the Speed Queen, Coronado, Gambels, etc of this time.

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