Thread Number: 84008  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Neptune Recirulation
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Post# 1083455   8/1/2020 at 18:57 (1,455 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

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Why did Maytag Neptunes recirculate the water? Just seems redundant while it raised manufacturing cost.

Post# 1083472 , Reply# 1   8/1/2020 at 21:09 (1,454 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Same reason they put a perforated tub inside a solid tub inside a fixed tub that caught the water spun out of the inner two; bad engineering unchecked by superiors who did not know enough about the concept to question it. It is similar to the reason why Frigidaire had such terribly designed dishwashers for so many years.

Post# 1083484 , Reply# 2   8/1/2020 at 21:47 (1,454 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
I guess that would be it. Didn't they take that out of latter models?

Post# 1083492 , Reply# 3   8/1/2020 at 22:53 (1,454 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        
Neptune recirculation pump

When they installed recirculating pumps, it was made to recycle the water from the bottom of the pump.
When detergent is added to the dispenser, the soap immediately runs to the lowest point- which is the pump as well as the first of the water that enters the machine. Maytag fixed that problem by using 100% of the detergent that was added to the washer. Where before, some detergent was lost.

In the later years, they added a plastic “tray” before the hole in the bottom of the outer tub. It would catch all the detergent, the motion of the tub and water would eventually mix all the detergent.

Whirlpool Duet’s claim is direct inject. The water would mix a little in the dispenser and shoot it directly in the tub full of clothes. They also had a little plastic ball in the “hole” of the outer tub, as the water would raise. The ball would rise and “plug” the hole- in order to use all the detergent in the wash tub.

Post# 1083497 , Reply# 4   8/1/2020 at 23:22 (1,454 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
Never thought about it that way. Yup, I've seen the ball on the Whirlpools. Perhaps I'm to quick to pick on Maytag.

Post# 1083500 , Reply# 5   8/1/2020 at 23:24 (1,454 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
If I'm following the documentation correctly, recirculation was only on MAH4000 series 45+.  Not on the original MAH3000, MAH4000 prior to series 45, or MAH5500, 6500 or 7500.

Yes?  No?

Post# 1083655 , Reply# 6   8/2/2020 at 20:49 (1,453 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        
Reply #4

Yes, just the MAH4000 has recirculation.
I’m not sure about MAH5500A as they were the last of the push button series. (It was in production for a short period.)

Post# 1083669 , Reply# 7   8/3/2020 at 00:17 (1,453 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
Why only the MAH4000?

Post# 1083677 , Reply# 8   8/3/2020 at 01:48 (1,453 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
Alright, I think we are to hard on Maytag. I give you TWO circulation pumps at 9:07:

Post# 1083711 , Reply# 9   8/3/2020 at 08:03 (1,453 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Tom - turbomatic

jetcone's profile picture

nailed it. It was a  modification after the 3000's because most of the detergent water sat in the sump during wash. Engineers should have read Bendix Doctrine, the answer was there all along since 1938 !! Bendix patented tub spacing because they knew that was critical to good cleaning. Damn Good Engineers at Bendix.

Post# 1083768 , Reply# 10   8/3/2020 at 13:54 (1,453 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
water circulation

I believe lg did the same or similar thing in their front loading washing machines. I find that laundry detergent, bleach and fabric softener mix very well when turbowash is active at all times. Please correct me.

Post# 1083777 , Reply# 11   8/3/2020 at 15:38 (1,453 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        
Tub Spacing

chetlaham's profile picture
Can anyone tell me more about this? Why do it?

Post# 1083921 , Reply# 12   8/4/2020 at 23:25 (1,451 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
to chetlaham...

I'd like to know that too.

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