Thread Number: 84053  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
POD 8-6-2020 Hotpoint 1957 Wonderinse Washer
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Post# 1084084   8/6/2020 at 06:36 (1,450 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Still a single speed machine.  Has anyone seen that timer dial with the setting for the wash time at the hub? It sort of reminds me of the way the dry time was set on the central hub of the single dial of the first WP combos.

Post# 1084087 , Reply# 1   8/6/2020 at 06:55 (1,450 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
1957 Hotpoint Washer & Dryer

combo52's profile picture

We have a pink set of these in the museum with the water cooled condensing dryer, I have never tried out the Sounder-Rinse feature.


John L.

Post# 1084107 , Reply# 2   8/6/2020 at 11:41 (1,450 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

mickeyd's profile picture

It "actually rinses newness into the clothes." The rhetoric is so over the top, it leaves you breathless. All the grand hype for this secret
"rinse chemical" aka, the dawn of fabric softener, but that reservoir and the button to choose its use is so cool. I love it.

Post# 1084110 , Reply# 3   8/6/2020 at 11:53 (1,450 days old) by jamiel (Detroit, Michigan and Palm Springs, CA)        

jamiel's profile picture
Yeah, wonder what the miracle of science was...could be fatty acid (i.e. softener), starch, or bentonite...all have some of the characteristic qualities.

Post# 1084118 , Reply# 4   8/6/2020 at 12:39 (1,450 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Wonderinse and Wond-R-Dial

mickeyd's profile picture
Yeah, Jamie, the ad copy is a stunner.

Tom, are you remembering the "See it Wash" Wonderdial. It won't link; I tried, but you know how to find it on the Aworg homepage. The memory came to me in one of those Eureka moments. Just reviewed it--really fun. Thanks.

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