Thread Number: 84182  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Crap. I think I have the wrong transmission for the 806!
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Post# 1085443   8/17/2020 at 19:05 (1,439 days old) by Tennblondie78 (Bowling Green, KY)        

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I ordered a new style transmission off of eBay, which he had listed as:

Genuine Maytag Washer Transmission OEM W10841093 / 6-2097790 206625

I thought those part numbers were for the deep tub models, however when I sit the tub down on the shaft the bolt holes are about 2 inches apart. The inner tub is sitting too high.

Did he have the transmission listed wrong or am I using the wrong part number?


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Post# 1085450 , Reply# 1   8/17/2020 at 19:50 (1,439 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        
6-2097790 is a....

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Small tub transmission.

Original part for the deeper tub is 206707 with a final updated part# of 6-2097750.

Part Number 6-2097750 (AP4373301) replaces 1480334, 2-6624, 2-6707, 206624, 206707, 22002126, 22002373, AH2347239, EA2347239, PS2347239.

I have fixed and played with several orbital transmission machines in both small and large tub models and don't care for them. Passed them along to another owner.

Post# 1085451 , Reply# 2   8/17/2020 at 20:03 (1,439 days old) by Tennblondie78 (Bowling Green, KY)        

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Well, that was an expensive mistake. That’s what I get for being a big dummy! Thank you for the info!

Post# 1085516 , Reply# 3   8/18/2020 at 15:08 (1,438 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        
Well, that was an expensive mistake

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Post# 1085532 , Reply# 4   8/18/2020 at 17:55 (1,438 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
They should

exchange it for you. It just makes good business ethics. You're not dumb, anyone could do that.

Post# 1085538 , Reply# 5   8/18/2020 at 19:25 (1,438 days old) by Good-Shepherd (New Jersey)        
exchange it for you

Request a return, no big deal. Most sellers on Ebay accept returns rather than get negative feedback. You may have to pay for shipping however.

BTW, did you find a Turquoise orbital agitator?

Post# 1087647 , Reply# 6   9/2/2020 at 12:30 (1,423 days old) by tennblondie78 (Bowling Green, KY)        

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Yep, I was able to return it, no harm no foul.

Douglas, I never found an agitator. I apologize for not seeing this post earlier. I guess I overlooked it. I sent you an email to coordinate buying yours. Thanks for offering it!!

Post# 1087648 , Reply# 7   9/2/2020 at 12:42 (1,423 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

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if your going with an Orbital tranny, I suggest using a Load Sensor agitator for most usable capacity and better turnover...

Post# 1087649 , Reply# 8   9/2/2020 at 12:46 (1,423 days old) by tennblondie78 (Bowling Green, KY)        

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I have a hard time letting go of the lint filter, though. That was why I picked the other agitator over the Load Sensor one. The lint filter in that agitator still works well for me even with the shorter stroke trans.

I'll buy a Load Sensor agitator to try though, too, since everyone likes it so much better. Maybe I will be a convert. :)

Post# 1087651 , Reply# 9   9/2/2020 at 12:54 (1,423 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        
Lint Filter

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I wonder if a linter filter is even necessary.  Today's fabrics don't lint the way they did in the past.  What is not washed away is caught by the dryer. 

Post# 1087652 , Reply# 10   9/2/2020 at 12:55 (1,423 days old) by robbinsandmyers (Conn)        

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Why not return the trans as well and just fix your much more durable Pitman trans? They also have much more cool factor plus the danger element thrown in with all that heavy mass spinning with the front panel off while working on it.

Post# 1087655 , Reply# 11   9/2/2020 at 13:04 (1,423 days old) by tennblondie78 (Bowling Green, KY)        

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LOL!! I love the danger element comment. I returned the incorrect trans and got the correct replacement. The machine is already back together now.

I do want to eventually rebuild my old trans, but the agitator shaft is in bad shape. I really need a replacement top half to ever reuse this transmission.

As far as the lint filter goes, I have 3 cats and it does effectively catch lint and fur in the washer. The dryer filter is extra backup for me to stay fur free... LOL.

Post# 1087658 , Reply# 12   9/2/2020 at 13:40 (1,423 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

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I will second the testimonial regarding the lint filter's ability to capture cat hair.  When my FWB sleeps here, I allow him to have the cat on the bed -- otherwise she's not allowed on the bed or any other furniture, and she usually sleeps outside.


When I wash the bed linens, I always find a chunk of cat hair, often the size of a silver dollar or even larger, on the lint filter. 

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