Thread Number: 84186  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
POD 8/18/2020
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Post# 1085504   8/18/2020 at 13:05 (1,438 days old) by rinso (Meridian Idaho)        

We had this set in coppertone when I was a teen. It was OK, but not great. The tub was a 12 pound tub and the HOH dryer was sloooooow, especially with cottons. The cool thing about the washer is that if you held the timer knob out while opening the lid, you got to watch the whole performance. Sadly even at its rated capacity, rollover was poor. I'm guessing that's why Maytag tried to keep people from watching it wash.

Post# 1085507 , Reply# 1   8/18/2020 at 13:39 (1,438 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
Maytag washers do have good turnover if you don’t overload them. Since I have a Maytag DG306 GAS HOH dryers from 1973 I can say they are slower but one trick I did was I put a low heat 120F thermostat in it and it seems to be a little faster for some reason and it could be it holds a steady temperature since the front of the cabinet where the heating shroud/halo is, is a bit warm for the first 30 to 40 minutes and gradually gets a little cooler towards the end of the cycle and has a better cool down as well.

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