Thread Number: 84200  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
KDS-18 first timer need everything
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Post# 1085609   8/19/2020 at 10:54 (1,491 days old) by jampen (Odessa)        

We recently bought a new home that has a Superba KDS-18, serial #201156349.

Inspector told us it was junk. Initially thought we would trash it but later when I tested it, it kinda sorta works but definitely has issues. To whit

1. Soap dispenser door doesn't open properly
2. It drained properly the first few cycles but now it has standing water in the bottom
3. Upper spray arm doesn't seem to be spraying. Top rack dishes not cleaned
4. Cycle indicator lights on front sometimes randomly jump around
5. Soon after beginning the wash and intermittently during wash, there is a noticeable ticking noise inside the front cover. Like something is trying to move

After reading a few posts regarding the quality of these units, I'd like to try and save this thing. Where do I begin?

PS: Now I removed the lower spray bar, shaft, and screen. Cycled a few times and soapy water is oozing out of the front. Still won't drain

This post was last edited 08/19/2020 at 12:06

Post# 1085610 , Reply# 1   8/19/2020 at 10:57 (1,491 days old) by Jampen (Odessa)        

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Post# 1085619 , Reply# 2   8/19/2020 at 11:50 (1,491 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
It has what's called a rapid-advance timer.  A separate motor on the timer runs at a faster speed when needed to quickly skip over functions that aren't used for the selected cycle.  The Cancel button for example quickly jumps to the last drain period then to Off.  Maybe that's part of the ticking noise you're hearing.

Post# 1085623 , Reply# 3   8/19/2020 at 12:07 (1,491 days old) by Jampen (Odessa)        

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Post# 1085662 , Reply# 4   8/19/2020 at 15:28 (1,491 days old) by jampen (Odessa)        

I watched some YT vids and heard the same ticking noise. I guess it's normal for the mechanical controls.

Still need help with the draining. Tried to blow through the drain tube from the disposall back towards the DW. No good. Almost burst a blood vessel trying. Is this normal?

This post was last edited 08/19/2020 at 16:18
Post# 1085663 , Reply# 5   8/19/2020 at 15:44 (1,491 days old) by jampen (Odessa)        

Anyone have list of part numbers for this unit? TIA

Post# 1085672 , Reply# 6   8/19/2020 at 16:40 (1,490 days old) by steved (Guilderland, New York)        
For starters

Looks like you need a new wash arm section on the top of the support, that pin/tower shouldn't separate from the base.  Also, I bet someone put regular dish detergent inside, creating all the suds.  I'd toss in a bit of fabric softener to kill the suds.  First, hit the "Cancel/Drain" button to see if that will drain out the water. There's a service manual listed under the "Automatic Ephemera" section on the top of the page.

Post# 1085694 , Reply# 7   8/19/2020 at 18:36 (1,490 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
1. Soap dispenser door doesn't open properly

You'll have to check the bi-metals that are responsible for opening the dispenser cups. Sometimes they just need to adjusted, other times the connections to the wires are bad, which is common with leaks in that area. Lastly, they may need to be replaced. You'll have to run the dishwasher with the front cover off to make sure there's no leaks around dispenser cup shafts. They like to leak there with age. You can replace the o-rings if leaking.

2. It drained properly the first few cycles but now it has standing water in the bottom.

You should hear a "click" when draining, this is the drain solenoid being activated. Check the wires and connections to the drain solenoid and make sure they're up to par. You can apply 120V directly to the drain solenoid for testing purposes.

3. Upper spray arm doesn't seem to be spraying. Top rack dishes not cleaned

Your upper washarm assembly is toast, the shaft should not come out of the housing. They're obsolete but a few are still floating around. Here's one:
Carefully check the upper water delivery tube located in the upper rack, that runs between the wash arm and rear pipe of the rack. These can crack or rot out over time and cause a significant reduction in water pressure to the upper rack wash arm. Part # 4171544. This is what it looks like

There's a bellows seal mounted on the back wall where the upper rack meets the water delivery tube. These deteriorate over time and will cause a reduction in pressure. These bellow seals were only used on 18 series dishwashers with an upper wash arm. The design was revised starting with the 19 series. They been obsoleted for many, many years and impossible to find now. Pray this isn't torn or missing.

4. Cycle indicator lights on front sometimes randomly jump around.

It's common for the neon lights to flicker when they get old and on their way out. Multiple lights shouldn't be jumping around though.

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