Thread Number: 84201  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
What year is this Whirlpool ?
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Post# 1085639   8/19/2020 at 13:41 (1,437 days old) by volsboy1 (East Tenn Smoky mountains )        

volsboy1's profile picture
I am thinking of grabbing this Whirlpool but she has one pic and its not great .
I was wondering how old is it and what type of Agitator do they have?
My favorite where the surgilators .
My 2 year G.E. washer I have to reset it 4 times a week . I am not overloading it .

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Post# 1085642 , Reply# 1   8/19/2020 at 13:50 (1,437 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Late 1986 or 1987 to 1990? I remember seeing these in Lowes after I got my LK. Just an ordinary dual action agitator for direct drive washers. I would sy no later than 1990 because it has both Hot Wash/Warm rinse and Warm Wash/warm rinse options.

Post# 1085650 , Reply# 2   8/19/2020 at 14:27 (1,437 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

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I have a couple of dryers with the same control panel design and color from 1993. I don’t believe the black panels of this particular design were made for more than a couple of years. The ones from the late eighties until about 1992 were black but designed differently. Personally I’d go with this Whirlpool if your other choice is the seventies Maytag as the Maytag will require more service to become a daily driver.

Post# 1085651 , Reply# 3   8/19/2020 at 14:28 (1,437 days old) by volsboy1 (East Tenn Smoky mountains )        

volsboy1's profile picture
Thanks Bob , NOPE .. I hate hate shred-mores ... They destroy my clothes ..
They are good machines about lasting but nope..

Post# 1085654 , Reply# 4   8/19/2020 at 14:37 (1,437 days old) by Cam2s (Nebraska)        

Looks rather TOL. I wonder what the ultimate care button does?

Post# 1085667 , Reply# 5   8/19/2020 at 16:26 (1,437 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Cameron, the ultimate care button changes the delicate cycle to a handwashable cycle with intermittant gentle agitation and soak.

Post# 1085668 , Reply# 6   8/19/2020 at 16:27 (1,437 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Wes, I would keep looking. If you could find a direct drive washer with a speed switch/knob (aka a Kemore), that would give you the choice of "Normal" fabrics, being a gentle agitation and fast spin speed. so, keep looking.

Post# 1085697 , Reply# 7   8/19/2020 at 18:59 (1,437 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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This is a nicely-feature TOL model.  3-speed.  Separate Regular cycle that runs Low agitation.  Automatic Extra Rinse is available on all cycles except Regular (at that time to make that cycle a bit more thrifty with water usage).  Another positive is the Clean Touch buttons don't appear worn-through which is a common aging issue.

Post# 1086411 , Reply# 8   8/24/2020 at 22:55 (1,432 days old) by jeb (Mansfield Ohiio)        

I don't know what your clothes are made of but I used one for 15 years and washed everything from work jeans to sheer curtains to antique lace tablecloths and never once had any damage. I work at a museum and washed some pretty fragile things and nothing was damaged or shredded. I've heard this from other members here but with the millions that were made and used I don't think it's not a common complain or the design would have been changed.

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