Thread Number: 84209  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
Moving a Kitchenaid KD-11
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Post# 1085753   8/20/2020 at 07:45 (1,436 days old) by sprog (Boston)        

sprog's profile picture
Hey Gang,
I'm saving a Kitchenaid KD-11.
Any tips on safely moving?
Any weak spots?
My best guess:
remove the spray arm and racks
rest on its side during the move?
Tips greatly appreciated!
Sprog (a.k.a. Chris)

Post# 1085764 , Reply# 1   8/20/2020 at 10:19 (1,436 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture

Definitely remove the spray arm and racks, especially if you can't keep the machine upright.  By all means do so if you can, but it's not critical.  I recently rescued a 12 and moved it on its back with no ill effects.    If the machine has been in use, you may get some water dribbling out of the pump housing; I always move things like this on an old blanket just to soak up any such spills.


Be very careful not to let anything rub or knock against the pump chamber - they are fragile bakelite and replacements are near to impossible to find.      Please post some pictures when you get it home!


Post# 1085767 , Reply# 2   8/20/2020 at 10:29 (1,436 days old) by sprog (Boston)        
Thanks Paul!

sprog's profile picture
I appreciate the input.
I'll also keep the gang up to date.
I was told it was fully functional as of last year (famous last words!).
Thanks Again,

Post# 1085782 , Reply# 3   8/20/2020 at 13:00 (1,436 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Congratulations Chris.

Post# 1085798 , Reply# 4   8/20/2020 at 16:07 (1,436 days old) by sprog (Boston)        
Thanks Bob

sprog's profile picture
I appreciate the support! This dishwasher will be an interesting challenge. In some ways it would be boring if it worked perfectly. We'll see (picking it up tomorrow). I'll keep everyone posted (with images of course!).

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