Thread Number: 84215  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
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Post# 1085805   8/20/2020 at 17:33 (1,436 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        

pumper's profile picture
Not a great pic but wanted info on this washer if anyone has more pics too.

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Post# 1085810 , Reply# 1   8/20/2020 at 18:26 (1,436 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

Looks like an earlier 24"BD,perhaps ~1969-72 era? Looks like a single inlet valve version for faucet hookup-some 24"BD have a dual inlet valve.

Post# 1085833 , Reply# 2   8/20/2020 at 21:16 (1,435 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture

Kenmore portable would be my first guess... 

Post# 1085854 , Reply# 3   8/20/2020 at 23:31 (1,435 days old) by Mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

mickeyd's profile picture
Looks a lot like the Kenmore that Jeff Le Fevre and Cal have in their basement. Impressed by its elegance, I couldn't get enough of it. It has a full size standard capacity tub, not the much smaller portable version, but it is low to the ground. Theirs is in showroom shape and the Select-O- Dial is magnificent. Impressed the heck out of me. Late 60's to early 70's, or thereabouts.

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