Thread Number: 84224  /  Tag: Wringer Washers
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Post# 1085919   8/21/2020 at 16:23 (1,435 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        

Is this wringer washer fixable cosmetically? It has alot of rust on all of the wringer top & side pans, and lid but motors are working.

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Post# 1085944 , Reply# 1   8/21/2020 at 19:53 (1,435 days old) by bradross (New Westminster, BC., Canada)        
That all depends...

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I've restored some machines, mostly Maytag, that were in really rough shape, but I knew what the outcome would be, so it was worth the work. And I wanted to actually use the machine on a regular basis.

It's difficult to give an assessment with just a few photos, but if the machine appears to be in good shape mechanically (including the wringer gear box/frame and rolls) then it may well be worth the effort and expense. You could have the wringer's drain boards re-chromed, but I imagine that wouldn't be cheap.

Does it have a pump? If so, what's the condition?

Would you be doing the work yourself? And do you plan on using it once restored?

Post# 1085981 , Reply# 2   8/22/2020 at 04:42 (1,435 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        
Looking for one to use

Mechanically it appears fine the rollers are in good shape but the re chroming not so much for me. There are a few machines on Kijiji but far away and asking 600 for them so I'll have to wait to see if anything closer shows up for sale. This one belongs to a friend of mine and I'm pretty sure it sat in the shed 30 + years so underneath could be a nightmare. I've seen your restoration work it's awesome.

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