Thread Number: 84241  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
KDS-20 won’t fill, pics attached
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Post# 1086166   8/23/2020 at 14:46 (1,433 days old) by kds20rookie (Gonzales, TX)        

Dear friends,
I have inherited my mothers early 1980’s KDS-20 KitchenAid Superba V. I have looked all over the site and can only find threads from 9+ years ago with broken links on this topic. The service manuals for sale here for $14.99 don’t include the KDS-20.
With the water supply valve opened, and the machines handle engaged in the down position, when I depress the “soak and scrub” button, it makes a humming noise, and I hear a click, also what sounds like a mechanical timer moving, then an additional click, but nothing happens, no water filling or spraying, but he hum continues. I should add the light above the word DRY is illuminated. This unit hasn’t worked in 5 years and my mother no longer remembers it’s symptoms.

I should mention while typing this, it sounded like a mechanical timer ended and the hum stopped and the dry light turned off. Should I Try a different cycle ? I’m pretty handy and fix up old ford tractors for fun. I’d rather keep this unit than replace it.
Any help or ideas are appreciated, thank you.

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Post# 1086174 , Reply# 1   8/23/2020 at 15:51 (1,433 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Have you lifted up the handle after it finished? If not, do so and let the timer reset itself for a couple of minutes. Then try Rinse & Hold.

Post# 1086208 , Reply# 2   8/23/2020 at 18:57 (1,433 days old) by kds20rookie (Gonzales, TX)        
I just tried it...

Thanks for suggesting this, I tried it and it ran and sprayed a little bit of water, but started leaking about one eyedropper drop every three seconds, from underneath at the point where the motor is in the wires are wrapped around it, I’m attaching a picture, and the drip is from where that yellow and green wire is, So I looked it up the handle to stop it, and then I selected the end cycle button, press the handle down, and the dry light came on for several moments, and then I could hear the mechanical timer stop, and the light turned off, and I lifted the handle up.

I don’t know why the water wasn’t forceful, is it clogged? Should I pull the unit out and disconnect the water and drain lines and look to see what may be an additional problem? Is it a leak possibly from a bad seal? Or maybe a tiny rust spot? The interior looks in really good condition otherwise. I’m attaching a picture of what it looks like underneath, I added a dish towel underneath the motor area where it’s leaking very slightly. Thank you for trying to help me.

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Post# 1086262 , Reply# 3   8/24/2020 at 06:29 (1,432 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
Could it be the seal is dry?

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I have read on here that its best to add a gallon of really hot water to wet the seals and help them expand again to make them water tight....!

Have you tried it since to see if still leaks?

Good luck am sure you will get it going after all most of its ok if the timer and switches are working, On the water fill issue could it be the screen in the inlet is clogged?


Post# 1086291 , Reply# 4   8/24/2020 at 11:05 (1,432 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)        
more specifically...

Is it leaking in the area that the towel is under the motor or behind the tag on the right side of the picture where the green and yellow wires are?

For reference, the blue valve on the left is the water fill valve that has a fine mesh screen right behind the incoming water connection which can be clogged as was suggested above. The red valve is the drain valve which snaps open to drain the machine when called for. The hose connected to it on the right side goes up to the pump housing and can leak at either end if the clamps are loose. It looks like you connected the outlet from the drain valve to a hose that you wrapped around the motor to come out the front of the machine and then drain down below the floor to a basement drain or drain pipe? Just asking.

If the main shaft seal is leaking from the motor. you would see a very fine(hopefully) spray coming from the top of the motor when the machine is running with water in it. Use a flashlight to see the spray.

Check all the clamps including the clamp on the upper wash manifold on the middle left side where it connects to the pump, as it could be a bit loose too.

Careful detective work will pay off. Keep us posted and we will help you along.

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