Thread Number: 843
Whirlpool POD
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Post# 51784   12/25/2004 at 22:03 (7,282 days old) by danelto (State College, PA)        

Beautiful machine. Wonderful pic. This really made my Christmas!!!!!!!!!

Post# 51786 , Reply# 1   12/25/2004 at 22:42 (7,282 days old) by david (CA)        

It's great advertisement. Maybe58,59,60?

Post# 51789 , Reply# 2   12/25/2004 at 23:01 (7,282 days old) by david (CA)        
The year

probably 55 or 56. Note that RCA does not appear in front of whirlpool; they owned the company from 57 to 67 I believe. In those years the appliances were always labeled "RCA Whirlpool"

Post# 51791 , Reply# 3   12/25/2004 at 23:47 (7,282 days old) by rickr (.)        
Pod info

rickr's profile picture
Hi Guys,
That machine is a 1956 Whirlpool Imperial. They do say RCA Whirlpool on the control panel. (FYI)

Happy Holidays!

Post# 51792 , Reply# 4   12/26/2004 at 00:42 (7,282 days old) by agiflow ()        
rca whirlpool

i don't kow if RCA actually owned Whirlpool,...i thought Wp bought one of rca subsidiaries to make the connection.
Correct me me if i'm wrong,but i don't believe at any time WP ever had any other owner.

Post# 51795 , Reply# 5   12/26/2004 at 07:17 (7,282 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
RCA Whirlpool

RCA and Whirlpool had an "agreement", WP was never owned by RCA. If you read the fine print in the ads, you'll see that there is one of those "name used by persmission" type disclaimers regarding the use of the RCA name.

Post# 51814 , Reply# 6   12/26/2004 at 12:48 (7,281 days old) by david (CA)        
RCA Whirlpool

Thanks for the correction. I was never totally aware of the agreement between Whirlpool and RCA. I also didn't have my reading glasses on while looking at the POD. Maybe it did say RCA. Oops-my mistake! When I was a kid we lived in a new development that had RCA Whirlpool kitchen appliances. Ours was coppertone but other people had turquoise and yellow. I thought the ownership was a given. Oh well.

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