Thread Number: 84309  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
Kitchenaid Superba KUDS22 - Found a Leak!
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Post# 1086995   8/28/2020 at 16:58 (1,428 days old) by superwash (Cape Coral, FL)        

superwash's profile picture
So after bringing this beauty home, I connected power and a drain hose and filled the dishwasher with hot water (after making sure that the motor and blower worked. They do). I started the machine on regular cycled. The timer advanced perfectly, and it had to heat the water for about 5 or so minutes.

Then it took off washing! I'm very impressed with how quiet this machine is. However, I'm looking at the floor (it's still in my garage), and there was a tiny drip of water. At first I was thinking maybe the gasket was dried out, and just need hot water to set in the sump. So after the draining the machine, I got a closer look where it was leaking.

It's on the side of the sump tank area. Could I just sand the rust and apply some type of sealant, liquid solder, or epoxy?

Thanks everyone! You guys are great and I have learned so much.

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Post# 1087036 , Reply# 1   8/28/2020 at 21:42 (1,427 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

I think if you sand it and slather some JB Weld on there, you'll be fine.  I love that stuff!

Post# 1087037 , Reply# 2   8/28/2020 at 22:00 (1,427 days old) by Superwash (Cape Coral, FL)        

superwash's profile picture
Funny you mentioned JB Weld. I was just looking at that. I'll get some tomorrow and give it a try. Thanks!

Post# 1087052 , Reply# 3   8/29/2020 at 00:59 (1,427 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        
JB Weld

rp2813's profile picture

Get the two-part kind that you mix up.  It contains metal and can even be sanded once it has set and dried.

Post# 1087079 , Reply# 4   8/29/2020 at 07:51 (1,427 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Leaking KDS-22

combo52's profile picture

The tub is rusted through where the sump gasket meets the tank, fixing it from the outside is only going to work for a while till it rusts more and in more places.


If you want to keep this DW for long, remove the motor and pump and clean and dry every thing and seal the sump gasket to the tank with 3M Marine sealant [ it will never leak again ] if the sump gasket is in bad shape or puckered replace the sump gasket before reinstalling the pump and motor.


John L.

Post# 1087123 , Reply# 5   8/29/2020 at 13:39 (1,427 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

That's an even better idea, and more effective.

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