Thread Number: 84349  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
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Post# 1087422   8/31/2020 at 17:43 (1,425 days old) by mick (Sunderland)        

Hi, I hope anyone has any information or more pictures for the old washing machine I have. It is the GEC Double Plus. Not sure if it still works as it's quite an age. I would like more information about it so that I can sell it on with some interesting facts & pictures.

Post# 1088107 , Reply# 1   9/6/2020 at 07:04 (1,419 days old) by Lukeskelding1 (STOKE-ON-TRENT)        

Hi do you have any pictures please?

Post# 1088120 , Reply# 2   9/6/2020 at 10:08 (1,419 days old) by Chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
GEC Twin Plus

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Hello Mick and welcome to AW, we have pics , is it this one ?

If it is could you take a pic of it for condition etc, one of our members on here and near you would be interested as it was his family machine growing up .

Cheers , Mike

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Post# 1088121 , Reply# 3   9/6/2020 at 10:12 (1,419 days old) by supertwin59 (shropshire, england, united kingdom)        

......From WHICH magazine sept 1960; £83-9-6. Moderately quite in both operations. Spinner took longer to slow down comparted with other twin tubs. Spinner extracted water better with a small load. Wash tub used a lot of water and clothes tended to pile up in one corner (probably due to the shape of the tub and the three pulsators positioned on base of tub).

The only real advantage was that the cabinet was narrower that the conventional twin tub and was useful when space was at a premium.

Regards, Walter.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO supertwin59's LINK

Post# 1088122 , Reply# 4   9/6/2020 at 10:14 (1,419 days old) by supertwin59 (shropshire, england, united kingdom)        

....Two pulsators.


Post# 1088132 , Reply# 5   9/6/2020 at 11:43 (1,419 days old) by Keymatic (London / UK)        

keymatic's profile picture
Hi Mick,

As per our previous email conversation hopefully you can get it cleaned up and post some pics, would be good to see one.

As i previously mentioned, i can get a copy of the instructions if you need them, there is quirky things that the user must know before operating.


Post# 1088135 , Reply# 6   9/6/2020 at 12:42 (1,419 days old) by triumphdolomite (Staffs(UK))        

That would be nice if you can get a copy of the instructions Keith, they would be interesting to read. I've always wondered what these would be like as they seemed to get varied reports.

Post# 1088146 , Reply# 7   9/6/2020 at 13:26 (1,419 days old) by Keymatic (London / UK)        

keymatic's profile picture
@ Ian,

Hi Ian, i will try and take them to work and get them scanned, some points in the instructions are worth while knowing from a users perspective as there are some quirky oddities with the operational use of the machine.

I am sure the GEC Double Plus design was based on a european machine slighltly earier, the Perobot or Perex machines which were produced in the Czech republic in the mid 50’s & early 60’s, had the same concept, albeit the Double plus had the spinner enclosed within the washtub.

I have just taken delivery of a Perobot machine, great condition & working, bargin as well at €50 !! The agitation is brisk and the whirling ceramic sprialator really creates some strong currents. The spinner is fast, but as the spun water runs into the wash tub all the washing would have to be wash & spun then rinsed after the washing water was no longer required. The Perobot & Perex machines didn’t have a pump either, manual draining is the only method.


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Post# 1088239 , Reply# 8   9/7/2020 at 07:44 (1,418 days old) by keymatic (London / UK)        

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Pics of GEC "Space Saver"

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Post# 1088240 , Reply# 9   9/7/2020 at 07:51 (1,418 days old) by Ultramatic (New York City)        

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Love that Space Saver.

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