Thread Number: 84382  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
Is this certifiable
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Post# 1087716   9/2/2020 at 21:04 (1,423 days old) by Syndets2000 (Nanjemoy, MD)        

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Post# 1087801 , Reply# 1   9/3/2020 at 14:21 (1,422 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Robert, oh most definitely should receive BobLoad certification. Those SuperSurge Frigidaire dishwashers had huge capacity as far as I'm concerned and you demonstrated that superbly. I even spied some food soil on some of the plates. The pictures also receive User Manual quality approval. Meaning, they could be used to demonstrate loading capability for new owners. My church choir director had that very same Frigidaire model when I was around 13-16 years old and I loaded it numerous times a week at her house. So I'm very intimately acquainted with this dishwasher. As far ass it's cleaning ability, I wasn't impressed. Lots of Melmac and plastic glasses which didn't do well as far as letting go of food soil.

Post# 1087841 , Reply# 2   9/3/2020 at 19:15 (1,422 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Bob Load In A GM FD DW

combo52's profile picture

Hi Robert did you take any after pictures ?


Hi Bob, I was going to suggest in another thread about Bob Loads that in order to count as a Bob Load that a before picture [ with visibly soiled dishes ] and after pictures should be posted to earn a Bob Load credit.


John L.

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