Thread Number: 84410  /  Tag: Wringer Washers
my downstairs cleaners and laundry
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Post# 1088006   9/5/2020 at 08:29 (1,420 days old) by thedrycleaner (walton)        

hellow washer friends, I havent written in a while. but I have a new goody in the works for next weekend if all goes well, I am getting another thor model 32!!! this one in particular is the same model as the one I already have but I believe it is a bit older, it is a little larger and has a slightly different wringer set up and clutch system. when I get set up I am going to post pics and a tour of my whole plant. thanks the drycleaner

Post# 1088015 , Reply# 1   9/5/2020 at 09:39 (1,420 days old) by Golittlesport (California)        

golittlesport's profile picture
look forward to seeing your pics

Post# 1088037 , Reply# 2   9/5/2020 at 15:26 (1,420 days old) by Hippiedoll ( arizona )        
We'll be

hippiedoll's profile picture
waiting to see your set up

Post# 1088223 , Reply# 3   9/7/2020 at 02:51 (1,418 days old) by scoots (Chattanooga TN)        

scoots's profile picture

I am all agog...

Post# 1091893 , Reply# 4   10/4/2020 at 06:54 (1,391 days old) by thedrycleaner (walton)        
my new thor is here!!!

hello fellow washer nuts,here is my new thor. enjoy the show. thanks the drycleaner

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Post# 1092136 , Reply# 5   10/5/2020 at 23:18 (1,390 days old) by scoots (Chattanooga TN)        
You don't see THAT every day...

scoots's profile picture

My goodness, does that still work? Do you have a date for it?

Post# 1092159 , Reply# 6   10/6/2020 at 07:04 (1,389 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Thor 32

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Hello Bill, wow what a find, it looks great , and a h-axis early washer, I look forward to see the insides and workings and the other washing machine...

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