Thread Number: 84429  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
POD 9-6; Kenmore, year?
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Post# 1088183   9/6/2020 at 18:43 (1,419 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

arbilab's profile picture

1990 rent house came with these Kenmores.  This panel design. 

What was the year sold, pls?  Thinking ~1986?

Post# 1088187 , Reply# 1   9/6/2020 at 19:36 (1,419 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
According to the stock numbers they are 1981 models.

Post# 1088193 , Reply# 2   9/6/2020 at 20:52 (1,418 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

arbilab's profile picture

Thanks Melvin.  I was a ways off.  The landlord said in 1990 they were 'almost new'.  Guess for appliances back then 9yrs light use was 'not very old'.  10yrs later the dryer timer was going bad and I had to replace a gas valve coil, that's about par.

Post# 1088216 , Reply# 3   9/6/2020 at 23:25 (1,418 days old) by toploadloyalist (San Luis Obispo, CA)        

The '6' in the Permanent Press dial looks like an '8'. Was it some kind of early 'photoshopping' for the catalog?

Post# 1088219 , Reply# 4   9/7/2020 at 00:14 (1,418 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

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Pictured is a 24” belt drive model. Sears was always good at holding the same model over through several years with a minor revision. So it is possible that they could have been built several years later but the actual model was introduced in 1981. In the 1986 catalog there is a washer with a control panel identical to the one shown here but it is a 1983 direct drive model with a dual action agitator.

Timer agitation increments:

Normal: 14. 10. 6

PP: 10. 8

Knits: 8

Delicate: 6

Post# 1088229 , Reply# 5   9/7/2020 at 06:07 (1,418 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

arbilab's profile picture

Best I can tell, the 9-7 POD Kenmores dated 'until Jan 76' use the exact same knobs and panel color scheme.

Post# 1088244 , Reply# 6   9/7/2020 at 08:28 (1,418 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
The 9-7 POD were Canadian models. I’ve personally always liked the fake woodgrain and wouldn’t mind owning a pair of these in color.

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