Thread Number: 84483  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
POD 8-10-2020
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Post# 1088865   9/10/2020 at 21:03 (1,414 days old) by agiflow4 ()        

Style wise these were some of the best looking Whirlpool machines ever produced imo.

To anyone: I know Whirlpool had some firsts but was WP/KM the first with a 2 speed motor or did GE beat them to it ?

Post# 1088882 , Reply# 1   9/11/2020 at 00:16 (1,414 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

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I am not sure if GE was the first to come out with a 2 speed washer but Whirlpool and Sears had a field day when it came to advertising their washers and dryers. One thing Whirlpool was ahead of all other manufacturers at the time (even today) is the top filter 29” dryers, and they offered them at least in the mid to late 50’s with the 37,000 btu heat output and the 50 amp 8000 watt models but I believe those were only available under the Kenmore name but I could be wrong though.

Post# 1088945 , Reply# 2   9/11/2020 at 09:01 (1,414 days old) by agiflow4 ()        

One thing about the standard tub WP/KM machines is that they have wide tubs.

Maybe that offset the slower spinning but that is probably why they had those high BTU dryers. Funny how those 50s Kenmore dryers could be used as room heaters also.

Nice for a damp and cold basement

Post# 1088954 , Reply# 3   9/11/2020 at 09:49 (1,414 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
My 1963 RCA Whirlpool Imperial Mark XII washer does have the smaller tub in it but it seems to spin out a good amount of water and it’s definitely slower than my Maytag A606 and Kenmore portable belt drive washer but still removes a good amount of water. Reason why the tubs in those older Whirlpool belt drive washers are more shallow is it makes it easier to remove laundry from the tub since Whirlpools are shorter in height than Maytags of the era are.

Post# 1088963 , Reply# 4   9/11/2020 at 10:14 (1,414 days old) by agiflow4 ()        

Kind of what I thought. Haven't seen a standard capacity BD washer in person in quite awhile. They made up for those small tubs and went the other extreme when the first Jumbo tub BD machines hit the market in the late 60s.

Post# 1088970 , Reply# 5   9/11/2020 at 10:43 (1,414 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
I believe they introduced the larger capacity belt drives in the late 60’s but someone acquired a 1972 Lady Kenmore belt drive set and it has the same size of tub as my ‘63 Whirlpool has. The larger capacity Whirlpool and Kenmore belt drive washers came out in 1974 and 1975 sometime and came out with the 18 pound capacity belt drive washers in the late 70’s.

Post# 1088975 , Reply# 6   9/11/2020 at 11:29 (1,414 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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18lb capacity Whirlpool and Kenmore models were a "special" model when first introduced in the 1960s. There was only one, or maybe two choices, whereas the "mainstream" lines had many model choices.

They went into the mainstream line in the early 1970s.  Whirlpool for example offered both standard and super capacity models of each machine.  Standard capacity for example would be 5700, 6300, 7700, 8700, etc. Super capacity would be 5800, 6380, 7800, 8800, etc.

Post# 1089011 , Reply# 7   9/11/2020 at 15:49 (1,414 days old) by agiflow4 ()        

Good info. Would love to see the first large capacity Kenmore that had the control panel similar to the 1963 60 series model. Had a friend in the late 70s whose family had that Kenmore with the large three vane bakelite agitator. Never saw one again after that.Is there a picture of that large capacity straight vane anywhere ?

Post# 1089019 , Reply# 8   9/11/2020 at 16:23 (1,414 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
A few Whirlpools had the Bakelite agitator in the 50’s and 60’s mainly the early 50’s Whirlpool and Kenmore belt drive machines but most later on had the Surgilator and Rotoswirl agitator but the straight vane agitator seemed to have more of a brisk wash action compared to the Rotoswirl agitator.

Post# 1089036 , Reply# 9   9/11/2020 at 18:01 (1,414 days old) by agiflow4 ()        

My mother's 1963 Kenmore 60 had the black bakelite straight vane. Was her first automatic washer.

I remember that machine although a little fuzzy now because I was young when we got rid of it on about 1973 or 74. Don't remember what happened to it as I was only about 6 at the time but I do remember the design with the green background on the dials for temp and water level and that what seemed like at the time a HUGE straight vane agitator to a 5 or 6 year old.

Loved the waterfall filter and the classic woo woo sounds typical of BD machines. My mom was heavy handed with the Tide detergent. Back on the days when you needed a "good layer of suds" How i miss my immediate blood.

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