Thread Number: 84610  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
The First Blackstone 350 Sold By Our Store: June 12, 1956
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Post# 1090292   9/22/2020 at 15:33 (1,403 days old) by Blackstone (Springfield, Massachusetts)        

blackstone's profile picture
The first stainless steel top. Serial number 570. Prior to this date, sales were of 250s, which still continued to be sold. For the 350, $211.94 wholesale price; $369.95 retail price. For some reason, my father took a trade-in of an Easy washer, reducing the price to $258.50, with $100 down payment.

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Post# 1090293 , Reply# 1   9/22/2020 at 15:56 (1,403 days old) by Lorainfurniture (Cleveland )        

That’s $3500 in today’s money adjusted for inflation

Post# 1090297 , Reply# 2   9/22/2020 at 16:57 (1,403 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
$3500 is a lot but I would rather have a actual washer compared to what’s on the market today.

Post# 1090313 , Reply# 3   9/22/2020 at 19:00 (1,403 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture

Do you have the bill for the Charcoal BA250 set??  LOL

Post# 1090369 , Reply# 4   9/23/2020 at 12:31 (1,402 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
Wonder if the Easy trade-in was an automatic or a semi-automatic spinner?

I have no explanation for it, but I really enjoy seeing old artifacts like this—handwritten receipts, recipes, notes penned to kids or spouses that wound up as a bookmark....

Thanks for sharing them.

This post was last edited 09/23/2020 at 16:36
Post# 1090713 , Reply# 5   9/25/2020 at 19:28 (1,400 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        

jetcone's profile picture

And the Tarbell - Watters was the wholesaler, worked between your Dad and the Factory?


Post# 1090716 , Reply# 6   9/25/2020 at 19:39 (1,400 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Our 1976 WP Supreme 80 was $369 (no stainless steel involved).

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