Thread Number: 84655  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
1970's dishwasher we have acquired
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Post# 1090857   9/27/2020 at 02:08 (1,398 days old) by Shannick (Port St Mary, Isle Of Man)        

Hi all and thank you for the add.
We have acquired a couple of vintage 70's kitchen appliances in very poor condition.

A 1973 Servis mk82 dishwasher and a Tricity oven from the same period.
We aim to get them cleaned up and get them working in our 1970's themed (well original) house.

Any advice fixing the dishwasher for starters? I think the main capacitor has come detached from some wires. Can I take some pictures and show you please? Many thanks for any help.

Post# 1090863 , Reply# 1   9/27/2020 at 05:36 (1,398 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield, East Midlands, UK)        

vacbear58's profile picture
Hello Nick and welcome to Automatic Washer.

Some pictures would be a great help. It is difficult to know about the dishwasher, it seems that the dishwasher might have been badged under other brands but they are now very rare. All is not lost though. First step to to make a note of that capacitor as there might be a generic replacement. Second have a good look at the state of the hoses under the machine - almost certainly some will need to be replaced, but again this is not impossible. Finally, outdoors, pour some really hot water into the bottom of the dishwasher and leave it sit both to re-hydrate the seals and check further for leaks.

I do have to say that if you are planning to use this on a regular basis you are almost certainly looking at regular maintenance work.

The Tricity oven is a much simpler proposition there are still plenty of these around so you could always get another for spares - indeed there are two on ebay at the moment - one with matching fridge too


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