Thread Number: 84770  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Will this make a great donor for an A407?
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Post# 1092289   10/7/2020 at 12:17 (1,388 days old) by robbinsandmyers (Conn)        

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Saw this on marketplace and wondered if the spin basket was the same and if it has the pitman style trans? Would be a great donor to get my 1974 in shape.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO robbinsandmyers's LINK

Post# 1092294 , Reply# 1   10/7/2020 at 13:09 (1,388 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
It will work although it isn't a low mileage machine by the looks of the inner tub. $125 would be too rich for my blood just to cannibalize.

Post# 1092360 , Reply# 2   10/8/2020 at 00:37 (1,388 days old) by robbinsandmyers (Conn)        

robbinsandmyers's profile picture
I figured on emailing the seller for his best price. My tub is getting a few rust spots at the drain holes plus the machine has lots of use on it so I figured to use this trans after a cleaning and oil change and nylon gear replacement. Then maybe sell the timer and misc parts to recoup some of my money

Post# 1092483 , Reply# 3   10/8/2020 at 22:03 (1,387 days old) by Good-Shepherd (New Jersey)        
if it has the pitman style trans?

Yes. Orbital trans models have the shark fin agitator

Price is high but I never haggle via email, good way to get a seller to ghost you. Asking if the price was firm is about as far as I would push it.

Better to go in person, check it out, politely make an offer and explain why if they balk; age, condition, wear, etc.

Almost always works for me as the seller usually wants to get rid of the machine and doesn't want a potential buyer driving away over a few bucks.

Post# 1092584 , Reply# 4   10/9/2020 at 13:16 (1,386 days old) by robbinsandmyers (Conn)        

robbinsandmyers's profile picture
Thanks for the help guys. Whats an honest value of that machine without insulting them?

Post# 1092586 , Reply# 5   10/9/2020 at 13:53 (1,386 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

I don't know if the machine is still connected as it appears to be in the pictures, but I agree that it's best to check it out in person to see how it behaves, then make your offer.  I got my '87 A712 (old style transmission) this way a few years ago for $75.   Dan makes a good point about how much you'd be paying at full asking price for a bunch of used parts.


Dan, what problems do you see with the inner tub?  It looks gray rather than white to me, but other than that I don't see any signs of deterioration.  I respect your good eye when it comes to all things Maytag, so am curious to find out what you've noticed that I haven't.

Post# 1092594 , Reply# 6   10/9/2020 at 14:29 (1,386 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
The tub itself looks ok but the shiny glaze has worn off. It has average wear for its age but $125 is steep unless it was driven to church on Sundays by an old single lady. Also remember that the top half transmission of 12 series washers are only compatible within the series. Older pre 12 series transmission tops will not swap over if there are bearing/shaft issues.

Post# 1092642 , Reply# 7   10/9/2020 at 23:01 (1,386 days old) by Good-Shepherd (New Jersey)        
value of that machine without insulting them?

$50 bucks would be my starting offer.

Perhaps a few bucks more if very clean inside and out, i.e. no rust, oil or water leaks, scuffs, chips, dents, etc.

The dull tub gloss might be a hard water situation. If buying specifically for the inner tub it may not be the best donor candidate. But the photos suck, could be just under exposed.

However, if you get it cheap enough could be worth it for parts. The agitator alone would fetch at least $50 on eBay.

Post# 1092647 , Reply# 8   10/10/2020 at 00:33 (1,386 days old) by robbinsandmyers (Conn)        

robbinsandmyers's profile picture
" Older pre 12 series transmission tops will not swap over if there are bearing/shaft issues. "

So I should prob use the top half of the good trans I have from a 1964 A500 on mine instead and just look for a clean rust free spin basket and pass on this one?

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