Thread Number: 84791  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
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Post# 1092505   10/9/2020 at 00:14 (1,387 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

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Why did so many spray arm dishwashers lack fine filters? What was the point of this? I mean so many manufacturers could've simply added a pull out stainless steal fine filter at the sump housing with a plastic cap saying "clean after each cycle". Think Hotpoint with the cap "water here is normal"

This would have prevented all the pre-rinsers from being created who continued to do so even after they purchased machines with good filtration. Second it would have saved so much water instead of all the extra rinses to flush particles away.

Also- why didn't horizontal pumps have a separate drain pump? This would have eliminated close to a half gallon of carry over water. I know GE wanted to keep the sump moist, so why not simply have a 12 second fill after the final rinse to fill the sump back up?

Both combined would have reduced water consumption over half and it would not have been expensive at all for a BOL machine.

Post# 1092507 , Reply# 1   10/9/2020 at 00:17 (1,387 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
And oh- it would also have reduced the amount of machines with seeds, pits even glass in the spray arm holes.

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