Thread Number: 84848  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
Needing a timer for my ge dryer
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Post# 1093122   10/14/2020 at 01:01 (1,382 days old) by Doug (West Virgina)        

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Hello all, I’m in need for a timer I believe for my ge dryer. The timer works sometimes and sometimes it don’t. I’ve read online and it said to put the timer knob on a timed setting and if it doesn’t advance the timer is bad. Well mine stays in the same spot so I believe it is the timer going bad. However I’m not sure of the part number for the timer of my dryer, if anyone could help or even has one that would work for me and wants to sale please let me know. Here is a picture of the model number. I appreciate any advice. Thanks Doug

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Post# 1093134 , Reply# 1   10/14/2020 at 07:15 (1,381 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Timer for GE Dryer

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Hi Doug, it should be Pt# WE4X525, it might be SO or NLA, but you should be able to find a used or rebuilt one for this dryer.


To check the timer for sure try disconnecting the timer motor leads and connect them to 120 volts and see if it advances then, it is possible the little electronic control board supplies power to the timer motor even on the timed cycles and could be the problem.


John L.

Post# 1093136 , Reply# 2   10/14/2020 at 07:19 (1,381 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

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GE part number is WE4X611. It is a No Longer Available part so you’ll have to find a good used one or a New Old Stock. Sounds like the timer motor may be the culprit.

Post# 1093192 , Reply# 3   10/14/2020 at 18:44 (1,381 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

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