Thread Number: 84893  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
1960 Lady Kenmore Proportional Switch
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Post# 1093608   10/18/2020 at 08:57 (1,377 days old) by Fordman (Whippany, New Jersey/USA)        

I need a bit of '60 Lady Kenmore automatic gas dryer has stopped working. It momentarily powers the main switching relay coil, then immediately goes dead.

I traced the problem back to the Proportional Switch (FSP No: 236803)located just below the dryer top. It has two resistors (external 900 ohm/internal 1550 ohm). And an internal switch.

The 1550 ohm resistor has burnt and killed the switching circuit. This circuit powers all the dryer mechanism circuits. When the resistor blew it also cracked the bakelite housing.

Does anyone out there have one of these they'd be willing to sell? Is there a substitution part? Or, is there a way to by-pass it or repair it?

I've been looking for a several months now with no luck. Photos and schematic are attached.

Thank you in advance!

Kurt (Fordman)

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Post# 1095149 , Reply# 1   10/30/2020 at 08:31 (1,365 days old) by Fordman (Whippany, New Jersey/USA)        

Does anyone know how the switch component of this works? it appears that one of the resistors functions to activate the switch, but the schematic doesn't show how.

I doubt I am going to find a switch and am looking for an alternative work around to get the dryer working again.

any help is greatly appreciated.


Post# 1095649 , Reply# 2   11/3/2020 at 08:05 (1,361 days old) by sfh074 ( )        
Sent you ....

a PM

Post# 1095652 , Reply# 3   11/3/2020 at 09:16 (1,361 days old) by Fordman (Whippany, New Jersey/USA)        

Thanks Bud, I think you are on target, I sent you a reply back with some more info...


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