Thread Number: 84900  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
1986 Kenmore limited edition electronic dryer
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Post# 1093666   10/18/2020 at 22:04 (1,377 days old) by Linaran (Riverside)        

HELP!! My 86 dryer electronic control panel will not hold power. As soon as I press the cycle and let go to press start it shuts off. It has been doing this for a long time now and the way I've gotten it to turn on is cleaning out the lint vent. Its happening more and more. Wondering if it may need a fuse of some sort. Anything will help. I had a previous problem and the person who I called told me it had no fix and he wanted to trash it for me, but thanks to you all here you helped me fix it.

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Post# 1093687 , Reply# 1   10/19/2020 at 06:05 (1,376 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
may have to investigate further, but you might be looking at replacing the touch pad or main control board.....

Post# 1093772 , Reply# 2   10/19/2020 at 19:39 (1,376 days old) by Linaran (Riverside)        

I was told that once the control panel went out there was no way to fix it . That I wouldn't find the parts to it :(. I have faith i will with your guys help. i love my dryer. For some reason I feel it has to do with the lint collector... I spent 25 minutes yesterday pressing the cycle of choice. I could hear something running... like it needs to warm up.. then when a hear a slight click it holds power and turns on. I give it much TLC!!

Post# 1093828 , Reply# 3   10/20/2020 at 09:47 (1,375 days old) by philcobendixduo (San Jose)        
Clean Screen Indicator

philcobendixduo's profile picture
I have this dryer as well. There is a switch somewhere in the air stream that activates the "CLEAN SCREEN" indicator but the dryer will still run with the "CLEAN SCREEN" indicator lit. The screen has to be really full of lint (like when you wash new towels) for that light to activate. When the cycle pad is touched, the console light is activated and may "hum" as many fluorescent lights do. Perhaps that's the sound you hear of something running? Hopefully, others will "chime in" with some helpful suggestions.

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