Thread Number: 84911  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
Servis UK Dishwasher
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Post# 1093708   10/19/2020 at 10:09 (1,376 days old) by manxnick (Isle of Man, UK)        

Hi I have a very old servis dishwasher that has a problem. It turns on, fills the bowl, heats up and goes through the cycles but won't spin the washer arms. I have checked and the motor and impeller are spinning OK. Some water comes out of the hole in the centre of the arms but definitely doesn't shoot out making the arms spin. Any ideas please?
It's a 1970's model so I'm not expecting much.

I have replaced the main capacitor with a new one.

Any help please!


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Post# 1093710 , Reply# 1   10/19/2020 at 10:21 (1,376 days old) by maytaga806 (Howell, Michigan)        

maytaga806's profile picture
Definitely seems like a water pressure issue, obviously the pressure of the water being jetted out causes it to turn, check for clogs in the arm or anywhere in the lines is what I’d clear out of the way first. But since it sounds like you checked the impeller you would have noticed a clog, but I’d definitely check the drain and inside the wash arm for a clog.

Post# 1093715 , Reply# 2   10/19/2020 at 11:29 (1,376 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Servis Dishwasher

chestermikeuk's profile picture
A warm welcome from me Nick, welcome to AW, you have a gem of a dishwasher, quite rare in the Servis badge. If the circulation pump and impeller and working fine then its like said above must be water pressure.

Can you remove all the arms and check they are free of food particles and not blocked ?

Then check all the seals on the arms are working and plugged in the pipes to allow for full water pressure, hope its something simple !!

Let us know how you get on...

Post# 1093829 , Reply# 3   10/20/2020 at 09:57 (1,375 days old) by manxnick (Isle of Man, UK)        
Servis UK Dishwasher

Hi all and thanks for the replies.

I have found that the arm mounting has a white circular "washer" that has split. I think this is not giving a good seal for the water but I still think that there isnt enough pressure being applied. I will remove the pump and motor and have a look at it properly at the weekend. Here are some more pictures.

@chestermikeuk so this is a rarity then? We rescued it and a 1967 Tricity oven from a house that was about to be gutted, along with matching tricity hob that works fine. However the oven is horribly dirty and the wiring is rather crispy inside the front panel. I am going to restore it, because I am mad :)

If anyone knows of a tricity oven or similar in the Northwest of the UK and is willing to part with it or parts! Please let me know.

Thanks guys


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Post# 1093855 , Reply# 4   10/20/2020 at 12:47 (1,375 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield, East Midlands, UK)        
Servis & Tricity

vacbear58's profile picture

Welcome to AW from me too. Interesting dishwasher that Servis - its from about 1976 and there were several other (largely) identical machines branded with other names - Bendix and Electrolux are two that come to mind although they had a different latching machanism - Frigidaire is another one although it looked superficially rather different, its almost identical.

That Tricity oven is from the mid-late 1960s I think, I have one in my collection which is the next iteration (different control knobs and timer) - mine is filthy too. Time to get out the Oven Pride. These were all fundimentally the same up until they were phased out in, I think, the late 1980s with trim and colour changes and the addition of double and fan oven versions. It looks like yours might be missing two simple toggle switches from the centre of the control panel - one for oven light and one for rotesserie. There are plenty of these ovens around on ebay, sometimes with matching fridge and/or freezer if you decide its a bridge too far to restore this one. Look out for asbestos in the insulation too and, before you go too far, check the oven and grill elements actually work. There will be two elements in the oven, one on each side and they both need to work for even cooking.

The hob is much later than the oven, late 70s/early 80s - it probably replaced the previous radient ring model. Look out for Hob Brite to clean that up - it is very easily available.

Good luck


Post# 1093869 , Reply# 5   10/20/2020 at 15:12 (1,375 days old) by Ricky5050 (Durham Britain)        
Hello Nick

ricky5050's profile picture
You may remember I commented on this on the tv forum. It’s like a Bendix model I had. And the pressure inside should be huge. Mine used to force the door forward a little and the noise was like a pressure washer nozzle hitting the window. It used lots of water and rinsed a lot because of the coarse filter it needed too as fine debris was washed around. The lower arm unscrews. But also had an aperture to allow water up to the middle arm. You can close this off fo increase pressure at the bottom to really blast lower dishes like baking trays. So if it’s only the middle arm that isn’t spinning check that the aperture is open. I’d remove both arms and soak in sink and try running a tap through them as maybe clogged. But you should still hear it running off the motor is going well. As I say noisy!! They don’t like modern 3 in one tabs. Too frothy it’s slows the arms down. Buy some old fashioned finish powder. Make sure delicate button not pressed. It allows air in to pump to reduce pressure but increases noise more.
I’ve put link to my original thread.

Good luck
Richard. Nice oven too


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Post# 1094305 , Reply# 6   10/24/2020 at 08:21 (1,371 days old) by matchboxpaul (U.K)        

Hi Nick.

Great news that a Servis Mk82 has surfaced and your example looks in fine visual fettle.

Really hope you succeed in getting it working properly again - fingers crossed.
Please keep us updated with how it goes.


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Post# 1094491 , Reply# 7   10/25/2020 at 15:31 (1,370 days old) by alanlondon (London)        
A few brochures

I posted these on another thread recently, but if you didn't see them here they are again.

Cheers, Alan

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Post# 1094776 , Reply# 8   10/27/2020 at 07:48 (1,368 days old) by manxnick (Isle of Man, UK)        
Servis UK Dishwasher

Hi all and thanks for the images Alan :)

I am hoping to get it working myself as the local "appliance doctor" wants me to bring it to him to look at but if I can get the motor out myself and get the main pump off I can inspect it and see why its not firing the water through at any speed.

Are these rare then? Do any of you chaps have spares like the bottom arm etc?

Thank you very much,


Post# 1094943 , Reply# 9   10/28/2020 at 14:03 (1,367 days old) by Alanlondon (London)        
Hi Nick

Yes they’re rare, looking at the date on the brochure I have your machine could be 44 years old. Bearing in mind how few households had a dishwasher 44 years ago in the UK, probably you have one of the last few.

Enjoy it and preserve it if you can.

Cheers Alan

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