Thread Number: 85072  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
50's cat shelf...?
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Post# 1095643   11/3/2020 at 06:47 (1,361 days old) by Syndets2000 (Nanjemoy, MD)        

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Post# 1095657 , Reply# 1   11/3/2020 at 10:06 (1,361 days old) by Golittlesport (California)        

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Nice warm spot for kitty. When I was a kid our orange tabby would often climb into our 55 Frigidaire Filtrator dryer to take a nap as it stayed warm for a long time after use. More than once my mom threw clothes into it and an orange streak came flying out.

Post# 1095661 , Reply# 2   11/3/2020 at 10:47 (1,361 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        
Thanks for the memory, Robert!

Does anyone recognize the pants creasers between the machine and the wall? All through school, until permanent press came into being when I was in high school, our 100% cotton chinos were taken out of the washer, the leg seams lined up and the creasers were put down the legs, poking out a little bit at the bottom and then they were pulled tight. The pants were hung to dry and the only part that needed ironing was around the waist band.  The creases stayed in all day, the envy of classmates whose creases were ironed in and gone by mid-morning, and the pants bore the bruised in crease for all of their lives, even when I was out of high school.


Long after our creasers were donated to thrift stores, I had to buy new ones in the 70s  and use them upside down to put creases in bell bottom pants and jeans. I went to Kessler's department store in downtown Atlanta to buy them when I was going to Georgia State and parking at Rich's Department Store a block away so I knew Kessler's, which catered to working class Atlantans, would be the place to find pants creasers. I wonder if they are still made. 

Post# 1095663 , Reply# 3   11/3/2020 at 11:09 (1,361 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

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I do remember these creasers.  My mother used them a lot when I was young, I imagine a lot before she had a dryer.  My father was in the Navy initially, and then in the Air Force; and wore fatigues to work.  He was an NCO and did aircraft maintenance.  I never understood the requirement, but he had to wear a fresh, starched pair of fatigues each day.  So mother was always occupied with laundry.  I think the creasers gave her a "leg up" so to speak with his fatigues.  And I also remember her putting freshly washed clothes in a bag and storing them in the refrigerator until she would iron them.


Aside from the creasers, I also went to Georgia State (for one quarter), and I parked at the Atlanta Fulton County Stadium, across I-20.  It was a one-mile walk to my classrooms.



Post# 1095667 , Reply# 4   11/3/2020 at 11:51 (1,361 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

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Oh yes, creasers were used on my corduroy uniform pants all through Catholic school.  IIRC, the material faded along the creases over time.

Post# 1095702 , Reply# 5   11/3/2020 at 16:51 (1,361 days old) by Washerlover (The Big Island, Hawai’i)        
Ironed Bell Bottoms?!

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Gee, my Mom musta been pretty lazy cuz she never ironed my bell bottoms! And I always hated those things...I would trip over them while walking from time to time!

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