Thread Number: 851
Shopping for a new classic
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Post# 51886   12/27/2004 at 20:52 (7,204 days old) by spiralactivator ()        

I have some sad news: According to my cousin's wife, her '64 V16 FilterFlo is conking out. She wants to replace it, so we're going to browse at the used appliance store tomorrow (I'm going along to prevent her from buying crap). So wish us luck in finding another classic worthy of succeeding the V16.

Post# 51891 , Reply# 1   12/27/2004 at 21:47 (7,204 days old) by gregm ()        
save it !!

Is it good cosmetically ?? Is it worth saving ?? What seems to be wrong with it as far as "conking out" ??

Post# 51895 , Reply# 2   12/27/2004 at 22:34 (7,204 days old) by spiralactivator ()        

The machine is in pretty good shape cosmetically. The bleach dispenser is rusty, and there's some rust at the top of the tub, but the control panel still lights up and the machine still works. The problem, according to my cousin's wife and my aunt (her mother-in-law), is a water leak. It could be anything from a bad seal to a rusted outer tub. I don't know how severe it is, because Cousin & Wifey won't allow me in the basement (they think my doing their laundry is "weird"). Unfortunately, my family operates on the "new is better" principle. My cousin's house actually came with a matching V16 set, but because the realtor said there was something wrong with the dryer, it went to the curb instead of the repair shop. I think it's definitely worth saving/restoring but I'm not holding out much hope, given these folks' track record.

Post# 51970 , Reply# 3   12/28/2004 at 22:11 (7,203 days old) by lbcarguy ()        
See my post in super


See my post on a recent leak in the Super section. The leak is fixable and a V16 set is too nice to just junk. I hope you can find a way to get that set out of the house. Offer them some money, or get them a gift certificate to Sears in exchange for the set. I hope they are saved.


Post# 51996 , Reply# 4   12/29/2004 at 12:38 (7,203 days old) by Manoravenue ()        
I'll toss a hat into the ring...

If the V16 by itself or in a set won't be repaired and will be up for sale, I'll take my place in line as probably at least the 25th person who would like to buy! On my last walk through a home improvement center, I detoured through the washer/dryer section of the appliance department, and was hurled back into reality seeing how much design and styling has changed since the classic age; it was impossible to tell what make or model I was looking at; they all looked the same, not to mention the realization that the only color available now apparently is black. Oh, for the days of mint green, yellow, pink, coppertone, avocado green...

Post# 53684 , Reply# 5   1/17/2005 at 06:17 (7,184 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        

So what was the outcome?

Post# 53705 , Reply# 6   1/17/2005 at 10:51 (7,184 days old) by spiralactivator ()        
Strangely enough...

There is no resolution as of yet. My cousin's wife fell in love with a $99 Maytag from the early '80s, but never bought it. I think she's just using the V16, leak or no leak. (And judging by the damp patch on the basement floor, it's a pretty minor leak.) I haven't had any contact with her since the new college semester began. I'll have to give her a call and see what's happening.

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