Thread Number: 85204  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
P.O.D. 11.16.20 - 1955 Hotpoint Washer
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Post# 1097231   11/16/2020 at 09:32 (1,348 days old) by pulltostart (Mobile, AL)        

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Did this washer (and matching dryer) have a fluorescent lamp within the canopy/hood?



Post# 1097240 , Reply# 1   11/16/2020 at 10:05 (1,348 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Seems to be buttons inside the right-side console endcap that could be for a light?

Post# 1097266 , Reply# 2   11/16/2020 at 12:48 (1,348 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        

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We had the Bol Hotpoint LH7 from the same year with removeable lid!

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Post# 1097272 , Reply# 3   11/16/2020 at 13:04 (1,348 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        
1955 10LK2 Hotpoint

swestoyz's profile picture
Yes! This '55 Hotpoint did have the fluorescent light within the hood.

What is really odd is the previous year 1954 10LK1 with a window lid!

The attached photos are poor scans/transfers from microfiche. Once COVID lifts in the next year or so I'll be able to scan the full Hotpoint automatic washer parts catalog with an archival microfilm/microfiche scanner.


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Post# 1097279 , Reply# 4   11/16/2020 at 13:45 (1,348 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

According to the dealer literature, the light canopy was a separate option and was the difference between the  TOL model and the next one down.

Post# 1097282 , Reply# 5   11/16/2020 at 14:16 (1,348 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Oh yes it is very odd and super rare but it seems in '54 Hotpoint did have a window lid on some models!

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