Thread Number: 85287  /  Tag: Wringer Washers
E2l maytag deliberate hole in the bottom
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Post# 1098242   11/24/2020 at 19:33 (1,340 days old) by Dolllllly (Perris)        

Hello! My family got an e2l maytag wringer washer a few months ago and have been using it. We noticed when the washer is agitating drops of water come out of this hole. The hole is deliberate, it's not from corrosion and we have no idea what it is for or if we should be worried. Does anyone know what this hole is and why water would drip out of it?

Dirty picture is our personal washer, clean picture is off line for clarity purposes.

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Post# 1098295 , Reply# 1   11/25/2020 at 11:19 (1,339 days old) by bradross (New Westminster, BC., Canada)        
This is serious ...

bradross's profile picture
*** STOP using the machine until this is resolved! ***

That weep hole allows water to drip out from the drive shaft, meaning that the water seal is in need of replacement. The power unit is designed so that if a VERY SMALL amount of water leaks in, it can bypass the power unit and exit through this hole. However, if the leak is major, water will actually get into the power unit and displace the grease, potentially damaging the gears beyond repair.

Best case scenario: you've caught it in time. Replace the water seal - you can occasionally see these on ebay, or various other suppliers. Cottage Craft Works currently has this part (website link attached.)

Worst case scenario: damage is beyond repair and the entire power unit/center plate will need to be replaced.


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Post# 1098296 , Reply# 2   11/25/2020 at 11:24 (1,339 days old) by bradross (New Westminster, BC., Canada)        
Follow-up to previous reply ...

bradross's profile picture
The photo of your machine clearly shows that some of the lubricant has been displaced, meaning there IS water inside the unit. Keeping in mind that water is heavier than grease, it will now be pooling on the bottom of the power unit, which will definitely damage it over time.

Typically when this happens, the unit has to be opened up, which is a VERY involved process, requiring the removal of the entire tub. A possible "quick fix" would be to turn the machine on its side, so that the hole is at a low point, allowing any water to exit. However, damage to the gears may still have occurred.

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