Thread Number: 853
SPEED QUEEN HEAVY DUTY Washer Manuf. 1983-89 Stainless
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Post# 51899   12/27/2004 at 23:51 (7,151 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Speed Queen Model HA6001W Lifetime Stainless Steel GAS

Heavy Duty Washer

Good working condition

Has been stored for a few years

This model manufactured between '83 and '89.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Launderess's LINK on eBay

Post# 51921 , Reply# 1   12/28/2004 at 07:40 (7,150 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
The location is where my sister and brother-in-law live. Hmm,

Post# 51936 , Reply# 2   12/28/2004 at 11:15 (7,150 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Seller has another SQ washer also. Listed both but guess one was taken down as too many.


Post# 51947 , Reply# 3   12/28/2004 at 15:22 (7,150 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        
A Freind of mine........has this washer

programcomputer's profile picture
A freind of mine has this (very)washer and a matching dryer. His dryer is electric tho, and he complains about the energy consumption and for that I think that he's nuts in every way.

His has an unfortunate tub tilt towards the back left hand side looking at the tub from the front, and he wont let me look at (Or)(try) to fix it. He feels that my concern about his laundry machines is creepy and weird. Yet he's a Trekkie and allows his entire life to be consumed by it so...

I have used it a couple of times when I visited him ( he lives about an hour more or less away from me in Grand Haven) and Fortunatly he was gone one time to work so I could (play) with it. The straight vane agitator did a purposeful job but was no where near as fun as my Westinghouse or my 1-18 that I had at the time. It was a stainless steel basket, and was not perforated if I remember right.

The tag on his read Speed Queen-Division of Mc-Graw Edison Co. Ripon Wisconsin.

The dryer is slower than most that I have used. I clean his lint filter, and checked his outlet to the exterior of the house. All ok....(yes the time when he was at work), and I just wasn't that super impressed by them. BUT they worked purposely, and he still has them as of last check andd that was October of this year....

Oh well, maybe he'll finally get my cue under way and upgrade to a Frigidaire FL Washer and Dryer set. He was impressed by my set ( when he visited my a few months before my last to him)and talked about getting a pair with his taxes this year coming.

But there in EXCELLENT shape, and work well, so he prob won't. He's of the thought that.....if it works why change...


Post# 51948 , Reply# 4   12/28/2004 at 15:38 (7,150 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        
Oh Before Im blasted....

programcomputer's profile picture

#1.Im NOT imtimating that Trekkies are bad.
#2.Im speaking about a freind that I have had for fourteen years, not about anyone else who is into that type of thing.

I just feel that for him to (sometimes)decimate my interest in the proper care, use and maintenence of home appliances in the vintage and modern sense and then give every inch of devotion to the Star-Trek phenomenon is rather, two sided.

That's my disclaimer to the first post...IMHO


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