Thread Number: 85314  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
Whirlpool Imperial Mark Xll dryer
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Post# 1098500   11/28/2020 at 00:39 (1,336 days old) by arris (Rochester New York)        

arris's profile picture
I have a WP Imperial Mark Xll dryer I got from Kevin a few years ago, it has the 2 way door with the paneled front, there is a speed control for either gentle or super. In the super position does it exhaust more air than a new dryer, and is there a flap that controls the amount of air exhausted ??? I seem to remember hearing that may be the case, but never heard of how much more air is exhausted on the super setting as compared to a new dryer without any such setting.....
I'd also like to convert this from electric to gas....I'm not sure what part # for the gas burner or what change in wiring would be needed, currently it is wedged between machines once I move it out I can get the model # Thanks

Post# 1098504 , Reply# 1   11/28/2020 at 01:54 (1,336 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
All the super speed does is allow it to run at normal speed and on the gentle speed it reduces the air output along with the wattage output.

I have a 1963 RCA Whirlpool Imperial dryer with the 2 speed feature but unfortunately the air output form the blower/fan doesn’t change since the belt shifter is broken but it still reduces the wattage output so the gentle and normal speeds still work but doesn’t change the air output.

Converting it to gas isn’t a bad idea but will be somewhat expensive since you need a gas valve that will output 20,000 btus to 30,000 btus and re-wiring it as well.

It is entirely possible for me to convert my 1963 RCA Whirlpool Imperial dryer to gas ( looked on eBay awhile ago for parts and they do exist ) but I would need to order a correct plenum duct since it’s entirely different from what the electric models use, and I would need to order a gas valve that outputs 20,000 btus to 37,000 btus along with a burner cone for it as well.

Since everything works on my 1963 RCA Whirlpool Imperial dryer with the exception of the belt shifter, I am leaving it alone for now. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

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