Thread Number: 85349  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
Canadian vs American Frigidaire Imperial Dryer Model Numbers
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Post# 1098924   12/1/2020 at 11:30 (1,333 days old) by MaytagWasher18 ()        

Hello everyone,

Yesterday I got ahold of a Canadian Produced GM Frigidare Imperial dryer which I believe was manufactured in 1961 The model number is DIAFC-61 and is similar to American produced models from 1961 that read DIA-61. I believe that the additional two letters in the model number are to indicate a that it is a Canadian produced variant and that the two numbers after the dash indicate the year of manufacture as 1961. If someone more knowledgeable with GM Frigidaire products would confirm this fact for me I would greatly appreciate it.

Have a Great Day!

Post# 1098927 , Reply# 1   12/1/2020 at 12:00 (1,333 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

I think the C is for a Canadian model, the F probably means it is an air cooled condenser model [ needs no outside vent ] if so it is not the same dryer as a US DIA-61.


John L.

Post# 1098934 , Reply# 2   12/1/2020 at 12:58 (1,333 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

turquoisedude's profile picture

The 'C' is definitely the code for a Canadian-built model.  I had a WDAC-63 washer at one point (PhilR has it now) and it also mentioned on the model tag that it was built in Ontario (I think it may been Scarborough...)  

Post# 1098946 , Reply# 3   12/1/2020 at 14:57 (1,333 days old) by frigidareu (Brunswick, Ohio)        

The F stands for Filtrator which is Frigidaire's version of a condenser dryer system requiring no outside venting.

Post# 1098970 , Reply# 4   12/1/2020 at 18:27 (1,333 days old) by sfh074 ( )        
I have a .....

Canadian made DDA-62 dryer made in Scarborough. The model number is DDAC-62.

Post# 1098993 , Reply# 5   12/1/2020 at 20:49 (1,333 days old) by gregingotham (New York)        
can you post a pic?

is this the FD dryer we were all trying to save that was in Toronto?

Post# 1099020 , Reply# 6   12/2/2020 at 08:22 (1,332 days old) by sfh074 ( )        
Not the Toronto dryer .....

I got this one a couple of years ago.

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