Thread Number: 85446  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Something I suddenly remembered...
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Post# 1099980   12/9/2020 at 17:49 (1,325 days old) by tim90650 (Greater Los Angeles area)        

tim90650's profile picture
Early 80’s we had a Ward’s signature 2000 Harvest Gold set mom had gotten used, before my birth. I remember the dials lit up and it had a no-tumble setting she used to dry our with shoes on a rack. The old lady a few houses down had the same dryer in brown and hers was in pristine condition, as our set was a little cruddy I remember. Ours was timed dry only . The neighbor (“mommy Alma”) was really nice and I happened to get the pleasure once or twice of seeing her doing her laundry. Anyway these dryers were started by depressing the main timer dial after selecting the time or whatever and the lady would hold in the dial for like 30 or more seconds after the dryer had started, which seemed like an eternity to my 7 year old self. She claimed she was lighting the pilot. We didn’t do this ever with our dryer , but her model didn’t light up. She didn’t feel the need to elaborate to a child but I had always wondered. Was this true? Sorry if I rambled. Tim

Post# 1099983 , Reply# 1   12/9/2020 at 18:06 (1,325 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Wards Dryers

combo52's profile picture

Fun Memories Tim, The wards dryers where you pushed the timer knob to start were built by Norge.


I don't know why she continued to hold the timer knob in but it had nothing to do with lighting the pilot, it would not hurt anything either, LOL



Post# 1100128 , Reply# 2   12/10/2020 at 18:01 (1,324 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
Tim 90650;

You're in Norwalk. My aunt and uncle lived in Whittier on Dittmar dr. between Cole and Scott.

Post# 1100129 , Reply# 3   12/10/2020 at 18:04 (1,324 days old) by Washerlover (The Big Island, Hawai’i)        

washerlover's profile picture
And those Norge-built Wards dryers are the best! The way they blow air from the back of the drum dries clothes quickly and really leaves clothes fluffy.

Post# 1100154 , Reply# 4   12/10/2020 at 21:23 (1,323 days old) by tim90650 (Greater Los Angeles area)        

tim90650's profile picture
Did these dryers even have a pilot light? I didn’t think ours did. I’m in La Mirada now

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