Thread Number: 85536  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
KitchenAid 21 fill Issue
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Post# 1100887   12/16/2020 at 22:02 (1,317 days old) by tylerd (KC Metro)        

Hello all, I'd appreciate any advise you may have. I was fortunate enough to find a good condition KUDI-21 a little over three years ago. It was performing perfectly until about a week ago, when I began noticing that it wasn't cleaning as it had been, and the detergent pods were left in the cup, the cup door does open. I've watched it through both Normal, and Pots/Pans cycles. It does the initial fill on Normal, and the initial and second fill in Pots/Pans, but no subsequent fills. The timer continues to advance. I can hear the motor stop and go from forward to reverse a number of times. And, hear the blower during the dry cycle. All of the indicator lights turn on and off as I remember them doing. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance, Tyler

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