Thread Number: 85542  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
P.O.D. 12/17/20 - Surgilator
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Post# 1100929   12/17/2020 at 10:11 (1,317 days old) by philcobendixduo (San Jose)        

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Our family's 1960's Whirlpool Imperial washer had this agitator with the chrome top, magic mix lint filter and bleach dispenser.
When it was delivered, the installer told my Mum to always unscrew the agitator cap and place it under the agitator when wash day was done so it could dry out.
She always did this faithfully for as long as we had the machine (until 1987).
Once, she dropped the heavy cap into the tub and it made a big chip in the porcelain.
Another time, my Aunt from N.Y. was visiting with her family.
She wanted to wash some things so my Mum sent her to the basement to use the Whrilpool.
My aunt didn't know about the cap being under the agitator and just loaded up the machine and turned it on.
I think she realized something didn't look right but wasn't quite sure what!

Post# 1100933 , Reply# 1   12/17/2020 at 10:59 (1,317 days old) by Maytag85 (Sean A806)        

maytag85's profile picture
The Surgilators work very well, and with a slightly under loaded load in my 1963 RCA Whirlpool Imperial Mark XII I get very good rollover.

In this video, the red t-shirt turns over at least 12 times. Always got good results when I washed a load of laundry in my ‘63 RCA Whirlpool Imperial Mark XII.


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